Chapter 3

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I was very unsure about how to react to all of the things going on in that very second. First, Ian was dragging me somewhere against my will. Second, I had no idea where I was. And last but not least, my raging teenage hormones almost made the situation I was in pleasurable. What teenage girl doesn't want to be whisked off by an attractive man?

I mentally kicked myself for the last thing i thought and started to look around. The rough cement walls were painted white and there was an occasional white door here and there, only noticable by the shining gold doorknob affixed to it. I wondered if all of those rooms were the same as the one I was in just minutes before. Ian had not looked back at me the entire time he had been dragging me along these halls with a vice grip on my wrist. 

'the back of his head is pretty nice to look at though', I thought to myself

I began to wonder what he actually did know about me, how did he even find out so much. 

It was like a whole other part of me took over as i slammed my feet into the ground and brought both of us to a sudden halt. Ian quickly whipped aroung and glared at me with his piercing green eyes.

"what are you trying to pull?" he asked in a low, dangerous voice

I stared back at him and tried to speak. I wasn't expecting that reaction

"how did you know all of that stuff about me?" i asked in a quiet tone. He chuckled and rolled his eyes and i could practically feel the anger well up inside of me.

"I want to know", I said in a more assertive tone, "I don't even know where I am, the least you could do is inform me where you got your information"

He looked back at me with a look that could kill and his nostrals flared slightly

"No Jenelle, the least i could do is not kill you so feel grateful for that" He quickly turned back around and continued dragging me along.

Deep inside, I knew the possibility of something horrible couldhappen but i chose not to  embrace it.

'I'm probably just overreacting' I thought

And for once, I was actually correct


Anthony's P.O.V

I walked home silently as the cold wind whipped at my face. I hung out with Jenelle very often and we were insanely close and had been ever since the end of sophomore year.

It felt like just yesterday when I stood against the hard brick wall outside the lunchroom, trying to blink away the slight tears that were forming. That day had been my girlfriends birthday and I had spend every penny I had earned doing yardwork jobs around the neighborhood all year round to buy to necklace that was nestled safetly in its case, inside my sweatshirt pocket.

The same day that every penny I had earned was , I thought, wasted on a necklace for a girl who had just dumped me in front of the entire football and cheerleading team.

It was also the same exact day that i made an amazing friend.

I stood against the rough brick wall and started up at the ceiling, sighing, and feeling defeated. The fervent remarks of "I'm sorry", "that was rought, man", and "she doesn't know what she gave up" from the cheerleaders and football players didn't make the blow hurt any less.

I solemnly scuffed my shoes on the mixed tile floor and tried to think of something to do with the necklace that i held in my fist.

"Hey Anthony" A soft voice said as the person walked past me. I looked up quickly to see Jenelle, one of the school's best art students, walking past me.

"Oh, hey Jenelle" I said and nodded at her. She stopped walking and looked at me with soft blueish-green eyes.

"I heard about what happened with Carriann today" she said and she stepped toward me. I nodded and looked around quickly.

"Yeah it kinda sucked but there's nothing i could really do, Just move on" I replied. She nodded and stated playing with the metal spiral on her notebook that had clay dust in some spots on the back that had the tendancy to get on her other books and also her navy blue uniform shirt.

"Besides", she began, "she's getting crazier everyday so I think you got the better deal". I looked up and she made a funny face and we both began to laugh.

We began talking and before I knew it, I could practically feel the ties of our friendship coming out of my being

"So you want to hang out next Saturday?", she confirmed for thr fourth time, as though she didnt believe someone was actualy trying to spend casual time with her

"Totally" I smiled and she smiled back

"Well i have to get back to my sculpture, it's due next week" I nodded and she turned to walk away

"Wait one second", I said quickly. She started to turn back around and I pulled the necklace case out of my pocket and put it in her hand, "I want you to have this, someone deserves it and right now it's you"

She looked at me with a very confused look etched onto her face and i smiled.

"Take it. I'll call you next Saturday" I said and walked away, leaving a very confused Jenelle.

I laughed to myself in embaressment because of how cheesy my first real encounter with Jenelle was, which we laughed about later on in our friendship. We understood each other and she was like the sister I never had, and I found it to be an absolutely stunning situation.

I walked up my front steps and into my warm house. I could feel my cheeks stinging from the sudden temperature change as the smell of meat hit my nose. I walked into my kitchen and waved a qucik hello to me mom, who was slaving over a pan of Hamburger Helper while my brothers screamed in the next room.

I quickly grabbed a bowl of food, gave my mom a quick kiss on the cheek and headed up to my room. Jenelle would be alling me any minute and I wanted to make sure nothing happened between her and her mother. This was out daily routine and it never failed that every day at 7 PM sharp, Jenelle would call me.

I sat on my bed and grabbed to book off of my nightstand next to me and began to read camly as i enjoyed my food. My body was finally starting to warm up and i stretched out and glancd at the clock. It was 6:45. Only fifteen more minutes, I'm sure she was home by now. I began to read again for a while until i began to feel the soreness in me neck and i looked over at my alarm clock again. It was 8. She never called.

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