Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ian's POV

        Fuck this. Fuck the fact that I was stuck here just as much as she was. Fuck the fact that I was stuck doing other people's dirty work. Fuck the fact that I had to give up my life.

        The morning light shone through the space inbetween the curtains as I looked around my room. The walls were lit up for the first time in hours and I was afraid to see what the halls looked like after last nights events.

        What crazy fuck decided to set a bomb off during the lockdown?

        My eyes landed on the figure that hunched over on my floor as if it had fell from a previous position. 

        'This is the second time in less than twelve hours that Jenelle has landed on my floor' I thought to myself. I smiled and pulled myself out of bed. Something was different this morning. I was happier. Seeing Jenelle sleeping peacefully made me happier that I had been in a very long time. I felt horrible for the things that had happened to her. The things that have happened that I couldn't stop. None of this was my choice. I was stuck in this rut because of my family's debt. Because of my father's stupid decision.

        "You can't take him away from me!" my mother shouted. I jumped off of my bed and threw my biology textbook down as I ran through the house to find her. At 17, I had all the responsibility of being the "man of the house" ever since my father dissapeared.

        That dick.

        I rounded the corner to witness my dark-haired, fair-skinned mother crying hyterically and holding onto the front door for dear life.

        "Mom?" I asked forcefully. she glanced back at me and I saw the sorrow in her eyes.

        "I'm sorry ma'am, but this is what I've been told to do and I can't disobey my orders. I am so sorry." the voice on the other side of the door said.

        "Mom! What the fuck is going on!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

        "You bastards are not taking him!" she screamed as she whipped her head back to look at the mysterious man. 

        'what is going on' I had thought in a panic.

        I heard the shot and saw my mother fall to the floor. I ran over to her as quickly as I could.

        "Mom!" I screamed as i picked up her lifeless body. 

        The blaring noise of my phone shot me out of my trance. I growled and snatched it off the side of my bed.

        "What?" I snapped into the phone

        "You need to get down here now"

        "Why the fuck do I need to do that Jimmy? I just woke up"

        "Because the boss is about to lose his shit Ian, now let's go. And hurry that fine ass up" Jimmy said in a rushed tone before quickly hanging up.

        I grumbled my complaints to myself left my room. I waked through the maze of hallways that I knew like that back of my hand. I ended up seeing my reflection on the elevators shiny metal doors.

        "I hope this pain in the ass doesn't mind yesterdays wrinkled clothes" I mumbled as I scuffed my shoes off of the overly-padded carpet

        The elevator doors opened and I was quickly pulled inside.


This is actually longer than the other chapters thankfully. go me!

I wrote this while i had a raging migraine so if it sucks we can all just blame that.

& I know that this is in the romance section but it's there for a reason, the romance part of this hasn't fully developed yet but I promise that it will. But as for right now, what the hell happened to Ian's father that caused his own mother being killed? that's something to think about.

Also keep in mind that there will be mistakes because what I use to type all of these chapters in the word pad that comes with windows 8 because Microsoft word had like a thirty day trial and thats wayyy expired at this point. And this word pad doesn't have spell check or anything and right now I'm just too lazy to go through and edit all of these chapters. I'll do it eventually but not right now. There will come a day haha.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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