Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jenelle's POV

        "Alright, Now just follow me and don't fuck around" Ian said with sudden harshness as we left our garbage on the table where we had just sat.  The icy look in his green eyes made me take a step back and nod stifly.

        He had become so cold so fast. This was a different Ian than what I had just seen earlier. That Ian was just as confused as I, and just as scared. That Ian had a twinkle in his eye that made it possible to see that he might not be that bad of a person. But this Ian had me even more frightened than I was when I was back in that room. This Ian was dangerous and mysterious but it drew me in. I wanted to dive into his icy eyes and find out everything I could hold. I wanted to know his secrets. I wanted to know him.

        He gave an accepting nod after mine and began to walk. My legs felt heavy and my mouth felt dry. To put it bluntly, I felt scared. Not just scared, I was absolutely horrified. This could be the last walk I ever took.

        'You're being ridiculous', A voice in the back of my head told me.

        Maybe I was going crazy now.

        Even the way he walked was dangerous. His broad shoulders were squared and his steps seemed perfectly placed. I played with my necklace and began taking notes on small things to occupy my time. I noticed the way he walked with just his right hand in his pocket and how the sleeves of his shirt were periodically rolled up and down depedning on how hard he was thinking. And I also noticed the way he would rub his thumb and forefinger together when he bit his lip while he was deep in thought. Although that was a rare sight because of the fact that I was walking behind him. But I digress.

        Ian walked quickly and with poise and I found myself staring at the back of his head once again. 


        At least a half hour has gone by since we started walking and I couldn't help but groan and drag my feet with fatigue.

        "What's your problem?" he questioned in a bored tone without looking back at me

        "I need a cigarette and a long bath" I whined without thinking. I immediatly stopped walking and i felt my eyes widen with shock. I had never admitted that to anything or anyone. Not even Anthony.

        Ian stopped walking and turned around to look at me with a confused expression. 

        "You smoke?" he asked me, doubt lacing his tone. I was still shocked with myself for even saying that out loud so i just nodded. I began shuffling my feet as if i could stomp the words into the ground. 

        'Nobody finds that attractive' I thought to myself

        He shook his head and shrugged.

        "I can see what I can find you. About the cigarettes and the bath." he said calmly before he turned back around and continued walking. I wasn't sure what I felt. I was always so ashamed of that fact. So ashamed that i never smoked in front of anyone.

        "Why do you do it?" he asked inocently. 

        I couldn't let the words come out of my mouth. Sure, there were plenty of reasons that normal kids would say and mine all started out that way, but they all became something more. I wasn't ust the kid who could say 'It's how I cope with stress' because that wouldn't be entirely true. I was the girl who had to start with that but finish with 'Because my mother is a heroine addict'. But even then, that wasn't all of it.

        "I'm not sure" I mumbled and began to chew on my lip. I saw him nod his head as we walked through the maze of hallways.

        "Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth" I mumbled

        "What are you doing?" Ian interjected

        "The silence was getting to me" I shrugged

        "So you begin to recite the Gettysburg Address? You are definitely different." He laughed and I blushed. I was the art nerd who loved history. And with my lack of confidence around anyone except Anthony, I was shameful about even the fact that those two statements were in the same sentance. 

        " On this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Ian had whispered the end of the sentance just loudly enough so I could hear it. I couldn't help but smile.

        And then it happened.

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