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I couldn't focus on school; the thought of it overwhelmed me like the sea encompassing an island. My thoughts drifted back to his smile, the way he would look down if he thought our eyes locked for a little too long. The way he stares off into space the same way I do. He was not of this world; his beauty extended beyond the galaxies infinitely. He was never like the other boys. While they were busy cheating on girls and shattering their hearts, he sat quietly with his own thoughts, making a joke and jotting down notes once in a while. But alas, that is not what draws me to him. It is the way he talks, how his words flow out of his mouth like he has known what to say for a million years, fitting perfectly into that mere moment of time. I stumbled down the hallway, bombarded with so many different people, so many different lives and stories I have yet to discover. If only we each had a book, of all the good memories and the bad, the percentage of emotions felt in a certain amount of time. The favorite memories and the worst ones, because appearance can show something totally different than the soul on the inside. But we were made to be curious, to discover parts of people we never knew existed. No one saw the beauty. They took advantage of their situations and his emotions and threw them into an abyss of depression when they were bored. How could God create such a treasure, not someone to be thrown around. Even my dearest friends, looked at me with a puzzled look on their face when I showed them this wonderful person. For they only saw the outside, the shell of how deep he was; they saw a picture, I saw a soul. He reminds me of a quiet brook, flowing down the mountain with an occasional waterfall. The sun slowly heating the water and the various creatures not being able to survive without it. The beautiful view, even in the times of drought. How mysterious it is; all of the twisting turns and waterfalls throwing you off course. It shows how something so simple can be so extremely complicated. No one knows, no one sees how he feels or how I feel. We are the same people, born for each other. Will fate win?
-fate is a mere concept

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