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Gray souls that waver between loneliness and popularity. Souls trapped between immovable walls with no possible way to escape. The sound of scratching against the walls because we are held agains our will; every day it feels as if the walls are closing in slowly, making the arrangement even more agonizing than more company. Because we do not notice that we do fun things to distract us from the existential crisis we are all facing. Yes, I will fall right back into your deep brown eyes just to be cast out by your black soul. Even though it hurts, the split second of happiness was worth the eternal damnation to this wretched cell which is your heart. You said I was yours forever; you were right. I can't escape your gentle touch and warming laugh; or how your eyes squint and your words make me want to forget everything I have ever known except for you. I will drown myself in the mere thought of you until you suck all of the air from my wanting lungs. Yes, I will sacrifice my humanity to bask in the darkness of your black soul, and ever time I do my red heart becomes darker....
-bound by your heart strings

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