Chapter 1

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"Let me touch you. Let me stir the passions in your soul until they become a storm of desire. I want your waves to crash down all over me. I want your rain to pour in my mouth. I want to feel your body move to the earthquake inside. I want to make your volcano erupt on top of me so that I don't even remember where I end and you begin." Casper steps towards me with a threatening smile, his hands outstretched, and I blanch at his gaze. What am I doing here, in this room, with this man—this man whose words make a mockery of the beauty of lovemaking?
There's a stirring in my stomach as I stand in the cold, poorly lit room. I can hear the sounds of music playing in other parts of the palace. There are bursts of laughter, and all I can wonder is if they are laughing at me. Cassidy Franklin, the American slut fiancé of Prince Harry Styles of Romeria. My cheeks burn in shame as I stare at Casper, his handsome face gazing at me as if I'm his Sunday dinner and he's very, very hungry.

There's always a moment in life that makes you question your sanity. Sometimes it lasts longer than others. Sometimes it's gone in a blip of time. Often, that moment seems to stop time. Like now. I feel like time has stopped as I stand there with Casper and the traitor.
"So, what do you say?" Casper looks at me with dark eyes full of desire. "I promise we can give you more pleasure than you've ever experienced." His voice is melodic and sensual, as if trying to seduce me with its sound alone. The sound is calming to my body, and I feel a tingling between my legs as I stare at his virile body, so obviously wanting me. His arms are strong and muscular and, for a brief second, I imagine him on top of me, pinning my arms back as he takes me roughly. Casper's a man who will dominate me and take what he wants with precision.
"Are you thinking of how much pleasure I can give you, Cassidy?" He steps forward again, his fingers lightly brushing my hair off of my shoulder as he bends down and kisses the skin next to my collarbone softly. His lips are warm and firm, and I freeze. Everything about this moment is so wrong, but my body is expectant, waiting, and defiant. My body wants to let him take me so I can get back at Harry. I feel like this is my chance to make him hurt as he has hurt me.
"We can make this the best night of your life."
Casper gazes into my eyes expectantly and then leans toward my ear and blows gently. His breath tickles my ear, and I feel a thrill of excitement run through my body unexpectedly. My body is reacting to him, even though my brain wants nothing to do with him. Then I feel the tip of his tongue running down my neck. He licks back up, and I feel his tongue on my lips. I gasp as he smirks at me, his eyes sparkling into mine as he dares me to let him continue. "I can give you more pleasure than you believed possible. Let me take you on a journey. Let us take you on a journey," he says huskily, and I jump back suddenly. His words brake me out of my reverie and I look past him to the figure by the door.

"No, no, and no!" My voice is loud as I answer his questions and I look to the right to avoid eye contact with anyone. "And you, Tarquin, how could you?" My voice caught as I stare at Harry's cousin. "I thought we were friends!"
"We are friends. I want to be more than friends, though." He licks his lips and I shiver as he steps towards me with a glint in his eyes. "Don't you think I'm handsome?"
"Tarquin!" I chastise him. "Where is this coming from? You know I'm engaged to Harry."
"Yeah, right." He laughs and then looks at Casper uncertainly. I look at Casper, whose face has changes to a grimace, and I know he's responsible for Tarquin's entrance into the room. "What game are you playing?" My voice is tight as I stare at him. "Why are you here, Tarquin?"
"My brother asked me to—"
"Your brother?" My jaw drops. "Casper is your brother?"
"Yes." He nods, looking more and more unsure of himself.
"So Casper is Harry's cousin as well?"
"You're smarter than you look." Casper gazes at me with a sneer.
"Excuse me?" I frown at his tone.
"Casper," Tarquin speaks up, "that was rude. Cassidy doesn't deserve to be talked to like that."

"Tarquin," Casper says, turning to him, "you're lucky that you're even here. You know, technically, it's against the rules for you to be here."
"You're the one that told me to come." Tarquin looks annoyed but unsure of himself.
"Didn't you tell me that you liked her?" Casper looks me up and down. "Didn't you tell me you wished that you had a chance with her?"
"Casper." Tarquin blushes. "Why are you saying all of this?"
"Isn't it true? Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Casper's lip curls. "Isn't this the girl?"
"Casper." Tarquin's eyes flash at his brother murderously, and I wonder what Casper is talking about. Has Tarquin talked about me to his brother? What did he say? I haven't got any vibes from Tarquin that he was interested in me. He can't possibly be interested in me, can he?"

"So what're you going to do, Cassidy?" Casper turns toward me. "Stick with the prince you know wants you? Or wait around for Harry? Harry, the man that's probably fucking Kendall as we speak."
"You're disgusting." I shake my head, finally coming out of my shock and haze. "How could you do this to me?" I turn to Tarquin. After everything... I thought we were friends." I look into his eyes and let him see my unveiled hurt and pain. He deserves to see how much he hurt me.
"Cassidy!" Harry's voice is loud as he shouts down the corridor. "Cassidy, where are you?"
"I'm in here, Harry!" I cry out and run to the door. "I'm in here." I open the door, and Harry stands there in front of me, his eyes distraught as he looks me over.
"What's going on in here?" He looks behind me at Casper and Tarquin and then at my ashen face. "Are you okay, Cassidy?"
"I'd like to go home, please," I whisper, my voice shaking. I don't want him to ask me what happened or what was going to happen. I don't want him to know that for one split second, I have considered going along with Casper. Not because I like Casper or want him, but because I'm hurt and confused and jealous.

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