Chapter 13

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Harry, Stephan and I walk in silence down the long corridor and down a flight of steps. The walls are adorned with paintings, and as I look at them I realize they are likely portraits of Stephan's ancestors.

"That's my great-great grandfather, Wilhelm, and next to him is his father, Frederick." Stephan smiles at me as he catches me staring at the paintings.
"They look so serious," I say simply and then pause. "Is there a reason why they all had those beards?"
"You don't like the unkempt look?" Stephan winks at me as he teases me and I can see Harry tensing as he walks beside us.
"I've just never seen any royals look so ..." I pause as I try to find the way to voice my thoughts diplomatically.
"Common?" Stephan asks, and his blue eyes laugh as I nod, feeling embarrassed. I was about to say that they remind me of hillbillies that I've seen on Duck Dynasty, but I'm glad I keep my mouth shut. He most probably doesn't even know what Duck Dynasty is, and it's likely that he and Harry will just think I'm some American hick; which, to be quite honest, I am. And proud to be. Kinda.
"Are you feeling okay, Cassidy?" Harry abruptly changes the subject and looks at me.
"I'm fine." I nod, but in reality I'm far from fine. In reality I'm over my head. "I don't suppose I can make a quick phone call, can I?"
"Phone call?" Harry looks perplexed, and I can understand why. This is neither the time nor place for me to be asking to make a call.
"Is there some sort of emergency?" Stephan looks concerned and it strikes me that it's odd that he's the one who cares more about me or is at least acting like he does.
"No." I shake my head. "I'm just worried that my best friend, Anna, is wondering what happened to me as I haven't spoken to her in a while."
"Then you must call her now." Stephan stop. "It will have to be quick because they are waiting for us in the main room downstairs."

"Oh, I don't have to call if people are waiting for us." I look at Harry then, to figure out what he wants me to do.
"Call." His eyes pierce into mine and he nods slightly. "Nothing is so important that you can't call your best friend to let her know you're okay."
"My, my, you must be a magic woman." Stephan grins at me. "Nothing would have stopped Harry last time he was in this position."
"Last time?" I say as my stomach drop, though I already know what Stephan is going to say.
"Yes, when he was here with Kendall." Stephan says her name distastefully. "Why, that was the most drama we'd ever had at one of these balls."
"Why was that?" I ask, not able to look at Harry.
"It's not really my place to say." He looks at Harry's scowling face. "I assume that it still hurts."
"Hurts?" Harry looks amused. "No, it doesn't hurt."
"I suppose it's more a pride thing." Stephan nods. "I know if my date fucked my cousin at an event I'd taken her to and let everyone watch, I'd be pretty sore myself."
"Kendall did what she had to do." Harry shrugs. "I don't fault her."
"Hopefully it doesn't happen again this year," Stephan says casually. "That would really burn."
"I'm not worried." Harry's voice is harsh, and he leans forward and grabs Stephan's shirt and whispers, "There'd better be no game-playing with Cassidy. Everyone better stick to the rules or heads are going to roll."
"I always stick to the rules." Stephan shakes him off and smiles. "I'm not Casper. I don't need to break them."
"What rules? What are you guys talking about?"
"Harry hasn't told you about the test?" Stephan sounds surprised, but I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's faking it. He's a good actor though. I can almost believe that he cares about me and what I'm going through. Almost, but not quite. The simple fact is that he has no reason to care about me. He doesn't know me. The fact that he kissed me showed me that he's going full force. He's trying to woo me hard. I just don't really understand why. Is this really just a macho thing?

"Test?" I glance at Harry and he pulls out his phone instead of answering me. "Call Anna and talk to her," he says. "Then come back and tell me if you want to stay."
"What's the test, Harry?" I ask him, but he remains stoic.
"It's a test of passion and desire," Stephan says. "It's a test of lust and want."
"Oh?" My eyes search Harry's, but still he doesn't speak.
"It's a test to see if Harry is really the man to turn up your fires." Stephan's eyes burns into mine. "Or perhaps he was just the man you met first. Perhaps you are more suited to someone else. Perhaps your sexual journey will take a different turn." He licks his lips deliberately as he speaks, and I turn away hurriedly and walk a few yards away to make my call.

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