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I wake up to being kissed on my lips and neck and forehead. Sweet 'Happy birthday's' are being whispered in my ears in different voices of my mates. I smile and open my eyes. I meet Klaus's eyes and lean up to kiss him starting a beautiful round of love making with my mates. After two hours of moans and orgasms, I finally get up and go to the bathroom to shower and change. I put on a black dress and heels. Putting on light makeup , I brush my hair pinning them up slightly.

I go down and am immediately greeted with hugs and birthday wishes. I smile at my friends and hug them all. Esther hugs me and I hug her tight feeling the love of a mother in her hug. After an amazing breakfast of Bacon and rolls and coffee I ask the question bothering me a lot, "Where is Jasper?" My friends shrug and Rebekah replies, "He wasnt there when I woke up. Just a note said that he would meet me  here " she says. I didnt know she had become that close to him but i nodded nonetheless. "Where could he have gone? " I muttered to no one in particular. "TO get your gifts sis, where else? "


"TO get your gifts sis, where else? "  WE all turn to see Jasper standing there grinning. Bella raises an eyebrow from her place on my lap and says, "So what is my gift? " Jasper laughs and motions someone forward. A blond male cold one enters followed by a caramel haired female vampire. Bella gasps and squeals, "Daddy" She jumps and runs to the male jumping in his arms who laughs and spins her around, "Hey baby girl. Happy Birthday!!"
She smiled and turned to the female. "mommy. " she smiled hugging her. The woman laughed. "happy birthday my daughter. " we smiled at the obvious love between them. From bella's interaction we knew them to be Carlisle and esme. "hey Sis. Happy birthday " a loud voice boomed causing us all to jump and turn. "Emmett " Bella shouted throwing herself at the huge vampire. He spun her around. "happy 19 belly bear. " she laughed. "thanks Em. " a blond stunning female stepped in and hugged Bella wishing her happy birthday. "thanks Rosie" she smiled. "Bella happy birthday. " a tiny black haired vampire squealed. Bella smiled and hugged her. "thanks Alice. " she smiles and tugged at a black haired guy introducing him as her mate Caleb. Bella nodded politely glancing at Jasper. He shook his head and smiled wrapping his arm around my sister. Bella smiled and turned only to be shocked. A bronze haired guy entered with a tan girl. "Bella " he whispered smiling slightly. Bella glanced at us and turned to him whispering the name that had me and my brother and the Salvatores to stiffen. "Edward " we glared at the boy who had been my mates ex boyfriend. The guy who had cheated on her and hurt her. We immediately felt insecure. And I went forward to wrap an arm around her waist. The Cullens snapped their attention to me. Bella smiled and kissed my cheek reassuring me. "guys please meet Klaus, Elijah, Damon and Stefan - my mates. "
"what all four?  And mates?  How can human know that they are mates? " questions after questions were thrown at us.
Bella sighed and whistled loudly causing everyone to stop and stare.
"let's settle down and talk like adults shall we? "

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