Holding On To You

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Tony's POV

It's only been a week since I left for tour and I miss my girls like crazy. It's so hard to be away from them and as much as I love my band and touring, I just want to go home. I haven't talked with Ashley since I left the airport because of how busy I've been. Even though it's only been a short amount of time, I feel like we're drifting apart already. My phone buzzed with a text from Vic saying that it was almost time for soundcheck. I sighed before rolling out of my bunk and putting a beanie on and walking off the bus. I shoved my phone into my back pocket as I made my way into the empty venue.

I walked to our green room and found my other band mates there.

"HEY TONY" Jaime yelled out.

I only smiled and nodded my head at him. We all tuned our instruments to each other and messed around for the next half hour until it was show time. When our stage manager came back and told us it was time, we all got up and walked out and everyone in the crowd began screaming and clapping.

We started off with our first song, One Hundred Sleepless Nights. The crowd went crazy, jumping up and down and just going crazy. Even though the atmosphere is exciting, I can't help but stay inside this funk I'm in. I just miss Ashley and the girls so much.


The rest of our set went by in a blur, and I before I knew it, we were all coming off stage. I looked around and I noticed how the empty venue matched what I was feeling. I grabbed my phone and dialed Ashley's number. The line rang a few times before it went to voicemail. She must have been sleeping. 

please leave your message after the beep. *beeep* 

Hey Ash it's me. I miss you and the girls like crazy. It hurts me to be so far away from you, but I know it's only for a little while and I'll be home before you know it. Give the girls hugs and kisses for me. I love you, hang in there baby girl.

After leaving the message I hung up and walked back to the bus, not really feeling like partying with the boys. I opened the door to the tour bus, and walked in. I reached the bunk area in no time and I laid down and pulled the blanket over me. I just wanted to sleep until this entire tour was over with, but I knew I couldn't do that. So there were only two options left. Get my family to come on tour with me, or quit the band. 


Tony's thinking about leaving the band ????????? like boY WHAT YOU DOIN. Breaks my heart even though I'm the one doing it :') but you know not everything gets to be perfect. This probs sucked  bc I wrote it in like, 10 minutes so yeah. 

Also follow me on my social media accounts

Twitter; sebtsb_babygirl

Instagram; chillwbri

Snapchat; buryherbody (realllly old name sorrry)

Tumblr; amongst-the-oceans-shores

P.S I'm starting to do a song of the chapter type thing, so like every chapter I'll give you guys a song I think goes with the chapter okay. So this chapters song is Take Me Home by Us The Duo

Okay I'm leaving now. I love you xx

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