Ashley's POV
I woke up to the birds chirping outside the window and I groaned internally. I was hoping to stay asleep all day. I had sent the girls to Amber's for a few weeks because she had a beach house that the girls could swim at. Most of it was not wanting them to see me in this state. Alan calls to check up on me and I tell him I'm fine, but I'm not at all. I turned my phone on and noticed I had a missed call from Tony and I cursed myself for shutting the device off. I listened to the voice mail and I broke down. I missed him so much.
I missed his voice, touch, face, him. I just missed him and he's all I wanted in that very moment. I knew I couldn't have him though. I set the phone down to go to the bathroom and clean up my face. When I went back to the bedroom, I picked up the device and called him. As expected, he didn't answer, so I left a voice mail of my own.
Hey Turtle it's me. I miss you so much and I love you. Come back to me soon okay? The girls miss you like crazy as well. It's really hard being so far away from you.. I have to go but call or text me when you can.. I love you..
I hung up the phone and laid back down on the bed before closing my eyes and drifting back to sleep not wanting to be awake any longer.
Hii sorry it's so short:((((
P.S the song of this chapter is Sweetheart, What Have You Done To Us by Keaton Henson. It's really good and yeah okay bye my loves xx

ФанфикThird book in my Tony Perry series first book: I Was Saving Myself For You second: Hold On Till May