"I mean I want to quit the band" I said.
The guys just looked at me like I was crazy.
"What no you can't quit! Tony you're an important part of this band!" Vic said.
I just nodded my head and took in what he said. He was right. I was important to the band, just like the rest of the guys were but I couldn't do it anymore.
"I know but I can't keep doing this anymore. I miss her and I miss my kids." I responded with a low voice.
"Instead of quitting why don't you just go home for a few weeks instead and then you can come back once you feel like you can breathe again" Mike chimed in.
"I love playing music, and the band but it was never this hard. Before I was only leaving behind my mom and my house, but now I'm leaving behind a wife and my kids. It's so much harder to be miles away from home" I say
The boys nodded and Mike pats me on the back.
"It'll be okay Tony. Go home and get some rest, spend time with your family. We'll find someone to fill in for you in the mean time" Vic says to me.
After this conversation we all get off the tour bus and begin our way into the venue. I have to call Ashley after the show tonight and tell her I was finally coming home. I was just hoping this all went by quickly so I didn't have to wait so long.
As soon as the concert was over, I jogged back to the bus. I cleaned up a bit before calling Ashley to tell her the news. the phone rang once before she answered.
"Tony" she breathes out "I've missed you so much"
My chest tightens at this. Her voice sounded weak and I couldn't even begin to explain what I was feeling.
She was silent waiting for me to continue.
"Ashley, I'm coming home" I finally got it out.
"What? When?"
"As soon as possible. I can't wait to see you babe"
Yo this is short and it sucks but I'm trying to figure out what to do with this story. What do you want to see happen? Let me know? Love you guys xx

ФанфикThird book in my Tony Perry series first book: I Was Saving Myself For You second: Hold On Till May