Retrospect: New Information

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The next 24 hours passed painfully slow. Still no news on Connie's whereabouts.

Grace was curled up on Jacob's knee, asleep, exhausted. Her cheeks were tear stained and she clung to Jacob.
They had spent most of the last 24 hours like that, just waiting for any further information.

Jacob's phone rang and he was immediately brought back into reality out of his thoughts.
He picked it up on the firs ring. He had kept his phone close by his side at all times, in case the police called.

Grace awoke while Jacob was talking on the phone. When he had finished speaking and ended the call, she lifted her head up to speak to him.
"Have they found mummy?" she asked hopefully.
Jacob shook his head and stroked her cheek. "No they haven't, not yet princess. But they have discovered something, which may help find her. Someone is coming round now to tell us"
Grace dropped her head in disappointment and returned it to its previous position on his chest. Jacob looked at the little girl on his knee, she shouldn't have to experience something like this, but there was nothing Jacob could do to stop it, he could only hold her and let her know he was there.

A sharp knock sounded at the door fifteen minutes later and Grace moved off Jacob's knee so he could jump up and answer the door.

The officer took a seat and Jacob returned to his. Grace resumed her position on Jacob's knee and they both looked at the officer in anticipation, eager to hear the news.

"We have retrieved some more information on the case. We discovered some CCTV footage, showing Connie with a male figure." The officer told them.
Jacob didn't say anything; he didn't know what to say.
The police officer took a deep breath before continuing. "The man is already known to us. He has been linked in connection with some similar cases recently. Unfortunately, Connie is not his first victim..."
Jacob's eyes widened, he hated Connie being referred to as a 'victim', it created horrible images in his mind.
He leant forward in his chair. "So you know where this man is? You know where he might have taken her?" Jacob asked.
The officer looked at Grace and then back to Jacob. "I think it may be best if the young girl left the room for a moment" he told Jacob.

Grace gave Jacob a confused look. She wanted to know what was happening, she didn't want to be shoved aside. But Jacob gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Could you wait upstairs for 5 minutes Gracie? I promise, I will tell you what's happening, I just need to speak to the police officer by myself for a little while"
Grace was reluctant to leave, but she finally gave a slight nod, and sighed as she made her way out of the room.

Jacob waited until Grace was on her way upstairs before turning his attention back to the officer.
"You said he is linked with similar cases? What do you mean 'similar cases'?" Jacob asked.
"This isn't the first time he has taken someone. There have been three other disappearances in the last year linked to him. Shortly after each had been reported missing, their body was found. Each time, a different place..."

Jacob stopped listening. He was left speechless. What was this officer suggesting? That Connie was going to suffer the same fate as the previous three victims. Had she already been killed, buried, in an unknown destination?

The officer continued. "This is positive though, as it means that we now have some more leads for the case. We are currently investigating them, and we are doing everything we can to find her."
Jacob nodded.
He just wanted Connie to come home.

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