Chapter One

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Adrien... His name seemed to roll off Marinette's tongue like honey. She sat, her eyes hooded dreamily as she stared at a poster of Adrien on her wall. His sunny golden hair and the way his emerald green eyes glinted mischievously.
Suddenly, a knock on the hatch that lead to her balcony sounded. A black Chat with gleaming golden hair poked his head in. His grin creepily similar to the Cheshire cat's smile. Marinette rolled her sky blue eyes and nodded her head, granting the cat admittance. Chat had been visiting her frequently, for no apparent reason other than he seemed to like her company. Marinette found that somewhat endearing, seeing as how usually cats hated her.
"And how are you this fine evening, my Purrincess?" He curled the r's into a purr that sent a shiver up her spine. Unfortunately, it was a good shiver. She was about to reply with a sarcastic comment when she noticed a little cut on his cheek. It was almost all hidden by his mask, but it was still big enough to bleed.
"Chat! What happened to you?" She exclaimed, concern making her face taut. Ever since he had started visiting, her feelings for the silly tom cat had grown. She would never admit to it, though.
"I must have gotten a scratch when I was defending a citizen from a mugging earlier. It's really no big deal, Princess." He said with a soft chuckle. She grimaced at his casualness. She could tell that it was bothering him, and he just didn't want her to worry. She beckoned him over, pulling out a bandaid from her desk drawer. She applied it, and after a moment of hesitation, she kissed the scratch gently.
"Better?" She asked, smiling up at him as realization crossed his face. His adam's apple wobbled, making the bell at his throat jingle. Suddenly, a rose red blush bloomed on his face.
            Marinette started to feel her own face heat as she took a step back. Chat seemed to recover only a moment later, and he grinned cattishly.
"Thank you for tending to my wound, my dear Princess."
"It was my pleasure, kitty."
            The two stayed up for the next half hour talking and joking. Around midnight, Marinette started to nod off. She hadn't meant to, but long days and sleepless night were starting to take their toll. Chat smiled, his heart warming as his gaze swept over her slender form. She was propped up on her desk, her hand taking the brunt of her head's weight. Her gentle eyes were closed, fluttering as she fought sleep. Slowly, the alley chat stood from his seat a few feet from hers. He closed the distance between them, and picked Marinette up like a child. She weighed no more than a feather, her mind fast asleep with good dreams. Chat hoped they were good, at least.
            Chat climbed the latter to her bed, Marinette cradled in one arm as he used the other to hoist them both upward. He then placed her gently into her bed. She sank into the billowy comforter slightly, looking peaceful. She reminded him of Snow White. Her face was beautiful, almost shining like a pearl. Her blue-black hair tumbled over her shoulders in a way that looked as if it took hours to do. She was wearing a black tank top and shorts for pajamas, showing the gorgeous skin of her shoulders, arms and legs.
            Cautiously, almost like he was afraid to go through with the sudden impulse his mind concocted. Chat knelt on the bed beside her, and placed a sweet, long kiss to her sleeping lips. He chuckled mutely to himself, thinking himself the prince who woke Snow White from her poison sleep. Then Chat crawled into a sleeping position next to his Princess. He placed his head on her chest, hoping not to wake her, but still happy for the opportunity. Her heart, surprisingly, started beating erratically as he rested the full weight of his head on the place just above her left breast. He wound his arm over her torso, and started to drift off. He was completely and totally content in that moment. Vaguely, Chat felt a soft hand start to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He purred, still falling into a deep sleep in the home he'd made on her chest.

Marinette had never really been asleep. She wanted to see if he would leave if she'd given him an excuse to. She hadn't expected him to do what he did. It took every morsel of control she had not to react when he kissed her lips. Then she tried very hard not to blush when he laid his head in the place that felt almost as if it had been made for him. His black cat ears brushed against her chin, like a confirmation that the whole thing was happening. She finally gave in, and reached up to play with his soft, honey colored hair, and cradle him with her other arm. He purred, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.
            The next morning, Chat was gone by the time Marinette woke. He'd left a note:
"My Princess,

            Thanks for last night. I really needed that. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay to see your pretty face.
                                                                                                                           Your favorite alley cat ;)"

            Marinette chuckled to herself as she read that, but it was a nervous sort of chuckle. Had that really happened? 'I slept tangled up with Chat Noir. Oh my god.' Marinette thought, slightly angry with herself and Chat.
            The place where Chats head had been on her chest was strictly reserved for Adrien. But then... why had it felt so natural... so right? Marinette groaned out loud, waking her peacefully sleeping kwami.
"What is it, Marinette?" Tikki asked, sleep still sticking to her voice.
"You saw what happened last night, didn't you? I feel like I betrayed Adrien." Her heart was heavy with regret. Still, at the same time, she felt torn. Like she'd come to a fork in the road and she couldn't decide which one to take.

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