Chapter 2 - Explore

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Matt's POV

I wake up feeling the ocean breeze brush my face. It's another perfect morning. It would be better with Will right next to me. I know he's looking for my but he's taking his sweet time about it. I know our wolf connection helps but I also know that Maxon's witch is blocking the 'signal'. I take my shower, make my breakfast and then go to the jungle to explore more. I have explored a mile in from my house, now the next mile. This isn't a big island. I have a full map that shows me where I am at all times. I met an animal back here a couple of weeks ago that was injured and I helped him heal. His name is Brady, he's a giant wolf. I'm 5 feet 5 inches and he's a 6 foot wolf. Magic island.

"Hey Brady."

"Hi Matt."

Yes, he talks. I'll explain. He says that a couple of years ago Maxon found this island and that he witch started doing some spells. These spells manipulated the animals and that most animals grew. But, He only talks thanks to my wolf. He communicates with my wolf allowing me to understand him, today he's taking me to his pack.

"You ready?" He asks wagging his tail.

I shift, "Yes."

He starts running and I follow him. We go deep into the woods. He runs through some bushes, I do the same. When we come out, we come to clearing with a waterfall. So beautiful.

"This is my home. I know it's not much but it's home."

"How many wolves are here?"

"About 50." He takes to the center.

"Brady. Who have you brought to us? This is clearly an outsider. All the wolves on this island lives with this pack. " Asks the alpha.

"His name is Matt, and he's a werewolf." he looks at me with kind eyes.

"A werewolf? Are you sure?"

I shift. "Yes I am alpha. I understand that you do not like outsiders very well but I hope that peace can come between us."

"Mhm. This peace will happen if you help us." He says walking up to me.

"Of course alpha. How may I help you?"

"There is a temple nearby and we can't read human. can you help us?"

"Yes. Please show me." I shift back.

I am about three feet tall in wolf form. So, I'm like at the alphas knees. I could die. He howls and runs north. I follow.


Maxon's POV


"What?!" I turn off the TV.

"Matthew is going to the temple."

"Good, I was hoping that would happen." I smile.

My mate will read off that I am his true destiny. After reading the text he will beg me to mate with him. Both human and wolf form. Then, we will dominate the world. Just thinking about him like that turns me on.

"Sir, one more report."


"England and USA have now conform that William will take them over is World War 3 breaks out."

"So, what you are telling me is that you have failed me?"

"No sir. We have Russia and China. We are working on North Korea but their leader isn't working with us."

I pull him closer to me by his hair, he screams. "You have failed me."

"Please sir." He starts crying.

I start choking him, I can feel his life slip through my fingers. I throw him across the room.

"Leave me. before I kill you." He gets up and leaves. "Soon my love, you'll beg me to take you."

I walk to his picture that of us that we will use on our wedding invitations. He's so cute when he's obeying me.


Will's POV

"FUCK!" I yell.

I slam my hands onto the table crumpling the pre-invitation. I look at it again. Matt is on his knees with a collar around his neck, like a dog. Maxon has his foot on Matt's back. Maxon is in a three piece suit. Matt is in tight jump suit that you can see through. Luckily, Matt is covering himself. This sick fucker is going to die, by my hands. How dare he say he loves Matt and treats him like a piece of meat.

"Will, what is wrong." Sarah walks in with mom.

"Oh, nothing." I try to hide the invitation behind me.

"Will, let us see." Mom gets the invitation from behind me.

"OH MY GOD!" They say at the same time.

"That sick fucker!" Sarah yells. "I want his head on a silver platter."

"We all do." I walk to Matt's crying mother and give her a hug.

"How could he do this to him? How can he love him if he traits him like this?!"


Matt's POV

We finally reach the temple but something doesn't feel right about this place. I feel a dark persons here, Maxon?

"We are finally here." The alpha says.

"It feels dark here, I don't like it very well." I say, shifting and touching the wall.

"Non of us do." He looks nervous about something.

I slowly walk in. I hear rumbling, I turn around and everyone is running away but Brady. He runs to me. The door closes. We are trapped.

"Matt... I have lied to you." He looks sad

"What's wrong." I step forward.

"We all are werewolfs, we have lied to you. Maxon told us to lead you here and leave you but I couldn't. I didn't want to lie to you but he made me. said he'll kill my parents. I found yesterday he did anyways." He shifts, he's no older than 10. "I miss my mommy and daddy." He starts crying.

"It's ok Brady." I lean down, open my arms and runs into them. "I'm here for you Brady. We will get off this island and you can become a part of my family ok?"

"You and Will will become my new mommy and daddy?" He looks up at me with a smile.

"If you wish, yes." I smile with watery eyes.

"YAY! Daddy!" He hugs me with me smile.

I saw his parents in the corner of my eye. I look over, they are finally at rest.

"Come on, let's get going. Let's see why Maxon led us here."

I walk forward with Brady's hand in my hand.


Sorry for the long update. I was working hard on the school's yearbook, then Fallout 4's new DLC came out and ya. Enjoy ^_^

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