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Jongin can't control the tears. They're like waterfalls. Endless. He feels so sad knowing he will not be with Kyungsoo for a long time and it is very hard for him. Kyungsoo is also shedding tears but not as bad as Jongin. On the other side of Kyungsoo's brain, he's happy that Jongin is going away for he will be very free to go out with friends.

He's so evil, isn't he? Well, people are naturally human. They're greedy, mischievous and insensitive. Like Kyungsoo. He doesn't love Jongin the way Jongin loves him. Yes, he does love him. He loves his money, his status and his body.

Jongin blew his nose for the nth time since they left their house. Kyungsoo carried his backpack. Jongin kept kissing Kyungsoo's head whispering sweet nothings, goodbyes and telling him how much he will miss him while he's in the camp.

Kyungsoo just smiles at him and pats his back. There are no words. Just simple gestures he can offer which means a lot to Jongin.

"Baby, always remember to take your vitamins. Please be healthy, eat on time and see to it that our doors and windows are locked when you sleep at night" Jongin continues to remind Kyungsoo about being safe and such.

"I know baby, please stop worrying about me. You should be the one to take care of your tummy. Your stomach has been bad so be careful. Always remember also that I am just here waiting for you, okay?" Kyungsoo then gave Jongin a peck on his lips.

They heard gasps from people around them. Some are looking surprised, some are smiling happily, some have glints of jealousy in their eyes because of course Jongin is hot while Kyungsoo is so squishy. Some parents gave them a look from their heads to their toes.

"People, really..." Jongin shook his head a little and then looked unto Kyungsoo's eyes, now with tears because Jongin's name was already called.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, baby" Jongin says wiping his tears and carrying his bag.

Kyungsoo then wiped his own tears and watched Jongin walking away, turning back to him a couple of times and waving. He gave him a wide heart smile and waved back.

When Jongin was already inside the van that will take them inside the camp, someone bumped unto Kyungsoo. He's also wiping his tears and waving goodbye to someone. Kyungsoo thought he's a very good looking guy with flawless white skin but he's not very tall.

"I'm sorry" the short white guy uttered without looking at Kyungsoo because his eyes are fixed to someone who is now walking to the van where Jongin hopped in.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked. He thinks the guy is cute so he wanted to know even his name. Kyungsoo-yah, you already forgot you're here to send Jongin away?

"Well...of course I am sad but it's fine. Did you also send someone?" the guy now looked up to see a smiling heart shaped lips and big round eyes. "Wow, he's cute!" he said in his mind.

" boyfriend" Kyungsoo answered offering a bunch of tissue to the guy is now wiping his tears using the sleeve of his shirt.

"Oh I see" the short white guy answered and smiled back. "You must be sad because it's your boyfriend. I just sent my "friend" because his boyfriend has no time." He doesn't know why he said that but at the moment, he is full of bitterness towards that "boyfriend" guy he's talking about.

"That's terrible. He must be feeling so bad about it. By the way, Kyungsoo" the big eyed boy introduced himself and offered his hand for a friendly handshake.

"Junmyeon" the white short guy answered and accepted Kyungsoo's hand.

"Nice to meet you. Anyway, I have to go now. We could meet up sometimes, yeah?" Kyungsoo said and fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Sure. So you're giving me your number?" Junmyeon took the cellphone from Kyungsoo's hand and took his own phone then copied Kyungsoo's number which he typed on the screen. Junmyeon then dialed it on his phone and when Kyungsoo's phone rang he gave it back to him and waved goodbye.



You're wondering why its Junmyeon and not Minseok he met? Simple. Kim Junmyeon and Kim Minseok are brothers in this story. Through Junmyeon, Kyungsoo will meet Minseok.

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