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"Come on, stop crying and drink this tea. It'll calm you down" Lu Han again offered the tea to Jongin who keeps on sobbing and wetting Lu Han's couch cover.

"Why? Am I not enough? How can he? Why?!?" Jongin cried out loud. Lu Han bursts into laughter which stopped Jongin from crying.

"I'm sorry, you're just so ugly when you cry, Innie. Please, have this tea. Let's talk about it later. Calm down. Think. We need to hear Kyungsoo out first. You know, I've been there. My ex boyfriend did the same thing. Sad thing is, I even know the guy he cheated me with. My cousin. And yeah, I know it hurts like a bitch but if they aren't happy with us anymore, we can't do anything from stopping them to cheat on us. They wouldn't if they are completely satisfied with us, anyway" Lu Han said with hint of tears in his eyes after remembering the past happenings in his life as well.

"Lu!" Jongin pouted and was about to comlain but Lu Han shoved the tea cup on his mouth burning his pouting lips a little. "Hey, be careful!" Jongin shouted.

"So Jongin, here's what we should do. Let's wait until tomorrow. Contact Kyungsoo then and ask if he wants to talk. Right now, we need to find you some slippers or shoes and some clothes. God, your boxers are embarrassing. Stars and hearts. So gay, dude. So gay!" Lu Han laughed as he pointed at Jongin's boxers.

"So, you mean I can stay here in your place in the mean time? What about your boyfriend, won't he get mad?" Jongin asked sipping on the tea. He felt calm right away. Thanks to Lu Han.

"Oh well, I am single at the moment. Hmmm...I have someone left in China. I liked the dimpled guy and that tall guy back then in the camp but they didn't even glanced at me. The dimpled guy seemed to notice me couple of times but he seems uninterested. Taemin, he's a dork. I liked him way back, too. But he seem to like you, have you noticed?" Lu Han started to take the conversation away from Kyungsoo at the moment.

"Ha!" Jongin smirked at the thought of Taemin.

"Why? Intriguing! Did something happen between you two?" Lu Han asked. Curiosity is evident in his sparkling eyes.

"Honestly, Taemin is really a good guy. He helped me a lot in the camp. I felt guilty one time he didn't punish me just because he thinks I would hate him if I do so. The other privates gave me a teasing look. I was expecting they would get mad. And that guy named Jonghyun, one of the cadet officers, he always want Taemin's attention so I left them be. Maybe, he's got some hots for Taemin. His eyes shape like hearts each time he looks at him" Jongin dreamily reminisce the moment he met Kyungsoo for the first time. Then he started tearing up again.

"Wait, wait! Go take a bath after your tea. Let's go for some ice cream today. Do you want ice cream? I'm craving for it. I think, I'm pregnant" Lu Han said smiling widely causing Jongin to throw one of the couch cushions at him.

"Dream on, deer boy!" Jongin teased forgetting that he's on the verge of crying a while ago.

Lu Han smiled bitterly while watching Jongin enter the bathroom. He pity him. The truth is, Lu Han liked Jongin. He's just in a bad situation with his love at the moment. Its not true that he has someone in China. He fell in love with him, a long time ago. Back then when they were happily teasing Taemin and hiding behind shrubs while Taemin is finding a hard time looking for a way to cover him up from his general dad who one day looked for him in the camp to introduce some girl to him.

He thought, life is so complicated. You like someone, he likes somebody else. Somebody is dearly loved by someone but takes it for granted. Some hide their feelings in order to prolong the good relationship with another. For the sake of not hurting another's feelings, you hurt yourself. You get happy but behind your smiles, the bitter truth lies. You are not the source of another person's happiness although he's the one that gives you pure bliss.



OMG my nose is bleeding. Where did my thoughts go? Lu Han, you made my life complicated because of your love wisdom!

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