Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Kids, you have to leave in 10 minutes because you have to get there early to show Quinn around!" Aaron yelled up the stairs.

This was it my first day of school. I looked at myself in the mirror. This uniform isn't the most flattering thing ever but I think I actually look nice. I kept my hair down as usual and put on some mascara and a little foundation. Since today was special I also put on blush, pink lipstick and gloss. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

"Wow look at you! First day of school and you like wonderful sweetie!" Amy said as I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table with the twins and Ella.

"Thank you!" I said blushing.

"Would you like some cereal or toast?" Amy said looking over as she put food into all of our lunch bags.

"Um just some cereal please" I said.

"Here you go!" Amy said handing me the cereal.

"Thanks!" I said flashing a smile then turning to see Ashton walk into the kitchen.

"So guys we have to leave in five because it's Quinn's first day and I have to show her around so hurry up!" Ashton said playing with his car keys.

I finished my cereal quick then joined everyone at the front door.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Ashton and the kids yelled as we all walked out the door.

We all got in the car, the twins and Ella in the back and I was in front with Ash. I was really starting to get nervous as we drove farther away from the house, this was it.


We arrived at the school, Ashton dropped the twins off in the elementary part of the school and Ella ran off to see her friends. Ashton took me to get my schedule from the office then we went to meet Calum, Luke and Michael at the front of the school.

"Hey Quinn!" Calum said as we approached the boys.

"Hey Calum, hey guys." I said to the everyone.

"So what's your schedule and locker?" Michael asked me.

"Um my schedule is this" I said handing it to Michael as Luke and Calum huddled around Michael to see it too. First period I had music, then I had biology, then I had photography, then lunch, then history.

"Sick! Luke and I have music with you and I'm also in your history class!" Calum said excited.

"I have biology with you to." Luke said.

"So I guess photography is the only class I don't have a friend in!" I giggled nervously.

"What's your locker again?" Ash asked looking down at the paper I had in my hand with my locker number on it.

"Oh my god no way! Your locker is just one away from Luke's!" Ashton said looking at Luke.

"Oh that's awesome!" I said looking at Luke smiling.

"Yeah that's pretty cool." Luke said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well Quinn, Michael and I are going to head to class. Luke and Cal will take care of you the rest of the day see you at lunch, good luck with your day" Ashton said giving me a hug then walking away with Michael.

"So why don't we head to you and Luke's locker then go to music?" Calum said.

"Okay!" I said as the three of us walked off.


Music was done and now I'm in biology. In music I sat between Luke and Calum and in biology I'm sitting beside Luke. He has barely talked to me like all day, I don't know if that's just his personality or he just doesn't like me, I just wish he wasn't so awkward. Class was almost over and Luke and I barely said anything to each other.

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