1 - panic and insomnia

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Teen Wolf and it's characters do not belong to me in any way! I only own Freya, her storyline and any additional characters.

Keep in mind not every episode will be covered, a lot will be my own story because i didn't want to fall into the category of only having my new character saying lines from other characters in the show and not developing a proper personality of their own. There is nothing wrong with this i just don't want to do it! :) 

Sighing, i rolled over and cocooned myself into my warm blankets, squeezing my eyes shut in the hope that somehow it would increase the likely-hood of sleep overtaking me. 4am. Thats what the alarm clock next to my bed read. The latest this week. Sleep deprivation isn't exactly a new idea to me, the feeling of anxiety making it's way into my stomach every night and creating images of all horrors within my mind, effectively disabling the ability to sleep until my body could physically stay awake no longer. 

Finally, after copious plans for future works and the new art supplies i needed going through my brain, my eyes drifted shut and i fell into a, for once, dreamless slumber. That is until my alarm went off just two hours later.


"Freya!" a loud voice yelled, slamming a textbook down in front of me, "We don't sleep in this class! Got it?" I looked up, nodding groggily, removing my head from its place on my folded arms to see Coach looking down at me with a bemused look "looks like someone was up late doing their reading!' he chuckled, walking away from my desk at the back of the room to resume is place at the head of the classroom "So tell me one aspect from the brief passage i assigned? I assume everyone can tell me this and i will ask! so get ready!' I smiled internally at this. I had, of course completed the reading, the consequence of not having done it would be to provide my mind with additional reasons to fret. Clearing my throat to wake myself up i answered,

"Just one Coach?" i asked

"Yes Miss Parrish, just one." he replied, I took a deep breath

"Okay, um, well we can take from the reading that a countries standard on living is reflected in its ability to produce goods and materials of high quality and value. Of course, trade and marketing is extremely important to that to because otherwise they wouldn't be making a profit" I said quickly, trying to ignore everyones stares that hadn't left my face since Coach woke me in possibly the most attention drawing way. He began to nod.

"Okay, good, thankyou Freya, next time though, sleep at home okay, not at school" I looked down at my lap, mumbling to myself in a barely audibly whisper

"If only i could" At this, a line no-one could possibly hear, a boy two seats in front of me sat straighter and angled his head towards the side as if he had heard me. What's his name? Sam? S something.... Stuart? No thats not right either.... SCOTT! My mind practically screamed, that's it... Scott McCall. 

He turned his head back to the front, of course, i sighed to myself, no human could possibly hear that, what was i thinking? I tuned out to Finstock and returned my gaze to the detailed drawing in front of me, running my finger over the lines to tone the image of a girl sitting a few seats away. Like me her hair was long and a firey red, though hers fell in voluminous and perfect waves down her back whilst mine was an untameable mane of messy ringlets . She was the perfect model, she hadn't moved all lesson, staring out of the window at something. That is, she was the perfect model until she began to swat at something around her face repeatedly for about 5 minutes until i couldn't contain it.

"Would you stop moving?" I said too loudly, voicing the thoughts in my head. Coach looked back from where he was writing on the blackboard, lowering his hand. I widened my eyes and looked straight into the eyes of Lydia, who gave me an incredulous glare.

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