4 - Not okay

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"Are you kidding me Freya?" Jordan shouted, causing me to cringe "I come back to the station at, get this, 4 in the morning would you believe to find my little sister in the lobby!" he let out a defeated sigh "just, are you okay?" I nodded meekly, standing to envelope him in a hug

"I went to a party with some people from school" I paused briefly, considering how to word the situation in order to obtain the smallest punishment. Though i'm 17 and he's only 24, my brother is extremely protective of me, even more so after his return from the army. "I left my car here so they dropped me back but i thought i was too tired to drive safely and waited for you?" It came out like a question, asking is he would by the bullshit excuse. He didn't.

"That is the biggest load of crap i have ever heard, and it's my car... but really? a party? That's great!" He exclaimed. Ever since the death of our parents 2 years earlier my mental and social health severely declined and thus, for me, a party was a big deal. "Who are these people from school? Do i know them?"

"Um... Stiles"

"The Sheriff's son?"

"Yeah, and Scott, Scott McCall, uh, a nice girl called Kira and i knew a few other people there, it was fun!" He grinned and i mentally awarded myself for fooling him. Okay. So yes i lied about it being fun. The result of that evening was wondering if i was crazy and feeling completely inadequate whilst being surrounded by beautiful skinny girls in very little clothing. 

"Okay, let's just get you home, and maybe a day home from school tomorrow would be appropriate considering you have to leave in about 3 hours" 


It is fairly safe to say that the forgotten alarm that went off at 6am was a rude shock. I rolled over with an exaggerated groan and smashed every button on my ancient alarm clock until the ringing noise ceased. One hour of sleep? not enough by anyone's standards. I rolled over once more and rearranged the blankets, wrapping them around my body and squeezing shut my tired eyes so that i could get a few more hours sleep. 

After waking up just an hour later and having my brother lecture me about getting home earlier next time i decided that i had to go to school. Did i want to? no, but the cyclical thought process of failing the next test to failing exams to not getting into a good college and then job and not being able to pay for a good life for my future family (a common thought process) inhibited my ability to take a day off. So, haphazardly slapping on about an inch of concealer to hide the purple under my eyes, and slipping on my familiar denim jacket over a sundress, i began the twenty minute walk to the school. As close as i was to my goal, a car simply was not within budget and the walk meant that i felt a little less horrified every time i looked at my thighs. 


As i walked up the corridor to my locker my eyelids dropped, eyes snapping open every few moments, a headache pounded in my ears, a searing sensation developing behind one. It's official. I should have stayed home. Though i've never been hungover before, i imagine this is what it would feel like. I kept walking, barely aware of my surroundings until someone bumped into me, hands quickly moving to my shoulders to steady me. I blinked quickly, looking up to see chocolate eyes swimming with concern and panic. 

"Are you..?" We began at the same time. I nodded, "You first"

"Are you okay? Freya you... you look like you're going to pass out! I'm so sorry i left you last night, i had something to check out and i forgot" He bounced as he talked, agitated and clearly with his mind everywhere

"Stiles" I spoke carefully, "Calm down you're freaking me out. Forget me i'm fine! Are you okay? What's wrong?" He let out a long breath but just as he was about to talk i winced, my hand moving to behind my ear as a wave of pain washed over me, the searing returning and increasing the severity of the already terrible headache. 

"Okay, you're not okay" He breathed, eyes searching mine

"I just" I began, wincing again "My head is pounding" 

"I'm going to the hospital to talk to someone, come with me please i think we both need a day off and maybe you can get checked out." I nodded, still holding my head "Okay, come on, my cars just out here" 

We made our way out of the building toward the blue Jeep i had been a passenger in just last night, i climbed into the passenger seat and rested my head against the window.



I climbed into my Jeep, stealing a glance at the girl next to me, my eyes widened at what i saw. Behind her ear, peaking out from her firey hair, was a backwards 5, burning red. 

I pulled out my phone quickly, snapping a picture and sending it to Scott with a message:

Me - "Hey Freya is NOT okay, what you told me about last night, and there is a backwards 5 behind her ear burning red. She said her head is pounding - taking her to the hospital now, we will only see your mom"

Scott - "I'm texting Deaton now. Don't want to bring her into this mess but we gotta make sure she's not in danger"

Me - "Will update later"

I slipped it back into my pocket and started the car, quickly pulling out of the car park and heading in the direction of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.


Not a very long one this time around - trying to get into a routine of updating more regularly but high school is killing me right now!

Have a nice day xx

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