17 - Pain (pt.2)

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- Freya's POV -

"Is he okay?" Scott asked quietly, entering the room where Stiles lay sleeping on the sofa, myself leaning against the arm of the couch from the floor. I nodded with a tight smile

"I think so," I looked back at Stiles's sleeping face, features slightly contorted and frowned with worry. "He's just so pale..." Worry seemed to seep out of every part of Scott's being, intertwined with fear for his best friend.

"Try not to worry," He tried to sooth, "I can feel it off of you, just come get me if something changes." He turned to leave the room

"You too Scott, i can feel it on you, we'll get him through this." He nodded, still facing away from me and walked out of the room. I turned my head back to look at Stiles and the dark shadows beneath his closed eyes and his gaunt, pale face. I had to clench my fist, digging my nails into my palms, just to stop myself from selfishly waking him up from his much needed sleep out of fear that he may not wake up on his own. No, he'll make it through this. He has to. Just as i resettled myself against the sofa, Stiles sprung upwards with a cry, making me jump to my feet. I rushed forwards as he stumbled across the room. Scott met him halfway, closely followed by myself, who held tightly onto his arm, my eyes closing once more until he relaxed slightly. 

"Hey, you okay?" Scott said, flustered and still stabilising  his damaged friend. 

"What happened, how long was i out?" Stiles stuttered out, glancing around wildly. I closed my eyes again.

"Just a couple of hours." Scott answered, "You should sit down." I began to pull his arm gently, trying to coax his still shaking body to a chair but he held fast. 

 "Where's my dad?" Stiles said more strongly

"At Eichon House," I said in my best 'everything is fine voice'

"he's questioning everyone, looking for Meredith. We promised we wouldn't let you out of our sight" Scott finished for me. 

"Okay," Stiles continued, apparently happy with that answer, "What about the others?"

"Allison, Isaac, the twins... They're all looking for Lydia." Worry flooded Stiles again

"We'll find her Stiles, we will." I said, sounding remarkably confident, although i feel that was more of an Empath thing and less of a Freya thing. He looked at me briefly, as if he had thought the same thing as me and moved away from us both, forcing me to let go. I felt his pain radiating again as he picked up his jacket with shaky hands.

"I just feel like we're waiting for a ransom call." I studied his face as he spoke and apparently Scott also noticed his shaky body and almost blue lips.

"You alright?" Scott asked carefully, narrowing his eyes a little and it was obvious he already knew the answer. 

"Yeah," Stiles began,

"Not true." I said in a whisper, mostly to myself but i knew Scott heard it

"I don't know why i just can't seem to warm" He stuttered, teeth almost chattering.

"Maybe you should sit down, take it easy" Scott suggested, reaching out to lead him to the chair. As he touched Stiles's hand his veins snaked with black and i could feel the pain flood through him quickly then recede. "You're in pain!" He exclaimed looking up at his best friend and i had to stop myself from rushing forward to take Stiles's hand again. 

"It's not that bad," Stiles tried to reason, but it wasn't really working on any of us. "It's just more of a dull ache."

"Where?" Scott asked, but i knew the answer

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