15 - Awakening

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Allison's POV -

"What's that?" I questioned, my voice filled with worry as the Sheriff frowned at his phone. 

"I installed security camera's when Stiles started sleepwalking," I looked over at the dirty screen while he opened the right app . Sitting on the edge of the bed with a smug smile on his face was Stiles, who looked straight at the camera lens, waving like he was part of a creepy horror film that i suppose our lives have become over the last two years. I squinted slightly to the corner of the room, brushing a lock of hair from my face as i leaned forward. 

"Is that..?" I asked, trailing off. Crumpled into a heap against the wall with her hair askew and blood on her forehead, was Freya. The Sheriff sighed loudly and ran a hand over his face

"He's going to hate himself when we get that thing out of him," I could only nod, my lips slightly parted. That kid sure has a thing for red-heads. 


Melissa's POV -

"Tell me again why she's not in the hospital, it's been 16 hours and she's still unconscious," I asked, gesturing to Freya. When my pleas to take her to emergency were shut down repeatedly, i had insisted on setting her up the best i could with a cool cloth over her forehead and pillow beneath her neck. On the couch opposite her sat an ancient fox spirit in the form of a boy i've known since he was nine. 

"Because if i'm right, and i think i may be, she will be able to help a great deal when she wakes up." Deaton began to explain with a soft voice.

"Alan, with all due respect the girl is in a coma of sorts. I'm a nurse and i don't even know what's wrong with her. Based on the injury she should have woken up hours ago. I mean have you ever seen anything like this before?" 

"Once." He paused, briefly flashing one of his awkward, knowing smiles. "My mother." Everyone in the room looked over, surprise clear on their faces. "Though the powers of an Empath generally begin to evolve when an individual reaches around 25. My thoughts are that the Oni test sparked them. For my mother, it was a car accident that brought out the more powerful aspects. She was out for 3 days and when she woke up, she was able to heal almost any wound, find those she cared about if they were in trouble and channel others emotions. The thing is, as far as Empaths go, she wasn't all that powerful. I think, if i'm right, the same is happening to Freya, yet i believe she will become more powerful than my mother did." When he finished talking he looked at Freya, who now had three stitches new stitches from where Stiles had smashed her head against a table by the look of it. It was all i got, the stitches. I wasn't allowed to take her to the hospital. I wasn't even allowed to give her any medication, but i was allowed to quickly stitch the wound and stop the bleeding. 

"Okay, so say that's happening to her. We don't exactly have three days here do we?" Lydia said pointedly.

"Then let's just hope it doesn't take that long." A voice, belonging to my son, piped up. My son. My 17 year old son who is far too grown up for is own good. The boy who two years ago had floppy hair that i wasn't allowed to go anywhere near with scissors and who was telling me about a girl he liked even though, by that point, things were far stranger than i could ever have guessed. 


Lydia's POV (we're really branching out now aren't we!)

The room was all white. Floors. Ceiling. Walls. It was a vast cavern of nothing. That is, other than a giant tree stump with three people sitting on top. I looked quickly to my left to see Scott, who had also noticed the Nemeton. We exchanged a look and ran as though our lives depended on it, and they sort of did, while screaming Stiles' name. As much as we ran we couldn't get any closer and finally stopped to catch our breath, although i have a feeling that Scott's werewolf side could have gone longer and that it was more for my benefit. 

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