9 - Involved

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The day after Stiles and i talked my life became infinitely more complex.

"Anything?" I breathed out heavily having just rushed through the Sheriff's door. I took a few deep breaths

"Not yet." His voice was filled with pain as he tried to keep himself together

"We'll find him, Sheriff, we will" I tried to sound convincing, but as my own mind crumbled so did my words and the only response i received was a weak smile, an acknowledgement that i was trying. I tried to sound more confident "We...I mean Scott and the others, they're trying to help, looking everywhere and i..."

"And you?" He asked

"I don't know," I said helplessly, sitting carefully in the chair behind his desk "I mean i found him in the woods somehow so i feel like i should be able to do this, but i'm not like the others... I don't know how they live in the world they do." I admitted rather defeatedly

"Neither do i" He reassured me, clearly understanding what i was referring to "You know i didn't believe him. When he told me that is, and now look where we are... All this mess and i don't even know where to begin. I'm a detective who can't find his own son." He ran his hands over his face a few times, letting out a long breath. 

"Sheriff, i..." I began

"Noah. This is no time for formalities" He interrupted 

"Noah," i stared once more "We'll find him. I promise. In fact, i have an idea." I quickly stood, shooting him a smile before running out of the station, ignoring the calls from my brother as i did. 


"What if you were right?" I said, trying to sound confident as i addressed the man in front of me. Deaton raised an eyebrow 


"You said i might be supernatural right? Now i have no idea what any of this is right now, but i found him the other night and i don't know how. I started walking, then running, and i found him. Maybe it was luck, let's face it it probably was, but we've gotta find him, we just have to. If there is something about me that could find him once, maybe i can do it again." He seemed surprised by my confidence and assuredness of such an odd situation, but not in the slightest surprised by what i was saying 

"I too have suspected it. I can't tell with so little proof, but you may be some kind of banshee."

"Like Lydia?" I asked, my brow furrowed

"Not exactly. Lydia is drawn to death, she senses it and as a result ends up in places without ever knowing how or why she's there. She can predict it. Now based on what you've said this is different. You found him, without a feeling at all is that right?" I nodded "And you seem to have a knack for telling when someone is lying to you."

"But it might not be anything right? I might just be wasting everyone's time?" He shrugged

"We can't be sure until we try. There are a few methods i have learnt however i think perhaps you're better of talking to Lydia at this point. Stiles himself tried a few different methods of finding someone not long ago." I tensed at the thought of this. Stiles, at this point, i knew well, particularly after the talk we had the day before. Scott i knew well enough. The others, however, i had very limited contact with considering that i had not attended school since the whole 'demonic ninjas' scenario. "Is there a problem?"

"They scare me a little" I admitted "i'm not a fan of new people." He shook his head, letting out a small chuckle

"They will help, those kids have been through more than most, and trust me, they will help if there's even the smallest possibility of helping Stiles" 

"Okay," I breathed out "Thank you, Deaton" I left the shelter, beginning the short walk home before changing my mind. I pulled out my phone, quickly dialling. It was answered after two rings.

"Scott? Hey, yeah... I have an idea"


20 minutes later i sat in Scott's living room, awkwardly fiddling with my fingers, feeling all eyes on me. I looked up as Derek, the man who took me to the station after the party, walked in 

"Alright, i'm here," He said "Now, what's this all about?" He raised his eyebrows when he saw me and, unlike the others, who had all taken a relatively relaxed position with Isaac sitting in a comfy looking chair, Allison resting on the arm of the chair, Lydia leaning against the wall opposite me an Scott sitting beside me, he stood rigid. 

"Freya?" Scott asked, bringing me back to reality "What's your idea?"

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath in and out before beginning "So i know this is going to sound crazy - not that you don't do crazy enough around here, not that YOU'RE crazy, just what you do. Okay so i talked to Deaton because of the bloody demon things a few days ago and then i just came from there because i thought, hey? I found him once maybe i can do it again, and he said to talk to you because it sounded a bit like a banshee," Lydia's eyebrows shot up "and that Stiles tried a few things a while back and he's been gone for almost 24 hours now and..." I took a breath, pausing my ramble

"Freya," Scott said softly "Calm down, your heart sounds like it's going to explode"

"It's giving me a headache" Isaac added, trying to lighten the atmosphere in the room

"How DID you find him?" Allison asked carefully. I hated that they were treading around me as if i was going to break, but i knew that i sounded that way - like a rambling idiot. 

"I don't know." I admitted "I was sitting in the station and i decided that i couldn't just do nothing so i got up and started walking. I don't know why i went to the preserve, but i did. I just kept running and screaming his name and then i heard him." They exchanged a knowing look 

"Look you don't need to get involved in this. The things we do, they're dangerous."Scott said "And besides, we think we know where he is." That was 100% a lie. 

"Don't lie to me" I countered, Derek's eyebrows again shot up, then he spoke for the first time

"You're an Empath." He concluded. Everyone looked at him

"I'm a what?" 

"An Empath. You can't sense when someone is close to death like Lydia, but you knew when he needed help. You're the equivalent of a human lie detector, can't stand being around a lot of people you don't know or crowds - yes the anxiety basically leaches off of you - and from what i've heard you're very creative. My mother had a friend who was an empath years ago, nice woman, awful wardrobe" He finished. I gulped audibly 

"You still don't have to get involved" Scott said, somewhat desperately

"If i can help Stiles then i'm well and truly involved - if you'll let me be" I looked around, receiving a smile from Allison and a grin from Scott as he nodded once

"Well shit. So we can't lie to you?" Isaac said, causing everyone to chuckle 

"I don't know," I said honestly "I don't think so, i mean if you're all werewolves and i can tell then i'm going to stick with no. Did you know that your eyes flicker with a glow when you lie? Just a little, around the iris" It was clear the boys didn't know. I continued, curious "What do the colours mean? I mean Scott yours are red but the other night Derek's were blue." 

"Now's not the time," Scott said, still possessing a warmth to his tone. 

"I can try to teach you a thing or two" Lydia offered, I smiled in response "I mean i'm still learning but maybe we can use this Empath thing to find Stiles, can you come over to my house later tonight?" I nodded. And just like that we launched into plans and anxiety, for once, seemed to take a step back, my mind only able to focus on the task at hand - and that was finding Stiles. 


Okay! So now you know what Freya is. Honestly none of this was planned, everything just sort of happened, i looked up a few character traits i knew i wanted her to have and wham, bam, thank you ma'am, she's an Empath. All of these are 'real' characteristics of Empaths however i may deviate slightly in the future :) 


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