10 - "You found me"

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"Okay," Lydia began as we pulled into Stiles' driveway "Let's see if we can do this." We hopped out and walked quickly to the door, knocking twice. The Sheriff stood on the other side when it swung open. He looked tired, scared. He looked damaged. 

"Girls?" He said, looking between us "Is there something i should know about?"

"We want to try something," I explained nervously, unsure that any of this was going to work "Can we go up to his room?" He nodded and moved to the side, allowing us to walk past. "Are you okay?" I asked, pursing my lips when i was inside. He gave a tight smile

"I will be when we find my son." We walked up the stairs and i followed Lydia into one of the rooms. There were pictures all over the walls with strings of different coloured thread connecting them like a suspect board at the station. I sat on the edge of the bed, facing Lydia.

"So, what are we going to try exactly?" 

"Uh..." She searched around, picking up a jumper from the desk chair and handing it to me "What do you feel? Try to focus on it and see if you can pin point a location. I don't know if it will work for an Empath but Stiles has tried it with me." I took the jumper in my hands, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath as i tried to focus on the cloth in front of me. "What do you feel?" She pressed

"Nothing." I admitted, opening my eyes. "I feel scared, i feel anxious and i'm confused. Now maybe that is him or something but i'm pretty sure it's just my daily state"

"Okay, it's okay. There's more." She continued, turning once more and rifling through the contents of his desk until she found what she was looking for. Before i knew it a notebook and a pen was thrust into my hands. I looked at her skeptically

"What do you want me to do?"

"Draw" She said simply, "I've seen what you can do and Derek said Empaths are creative so maybe this will work. Don't look at the page. Just draw." And so i did, and it felt like a switch had been turned on inside my mind. My body filled with a warm tingle and i felt my hand move across the page, the whole time keeping my eyes on Lydia while she stared in awe at the notebook in my hand. Then, just as suddenly as the switch was turned on, the tingling feeling left and my hand stopped moving. I looked down.

"How long...?" I questioned before registering what i was seeing. Before me was an intricate drawing of some sort of supply closet

"About half an hour."

"Half an hour? It felt like a few minutes"  I said, bewildered 

"It doesn't matter, i think you found where he is." She said quickly

"But where is that exactly?" I said helplessly. There must be thousands of places that looked like this in Beacon Hills.

"I don't know"


"I have to stay!" I said firmly, looking around incredulously at the teens before me. Lydia looked at me with sympathy. "I found him! i don't know where that is but i did!" I said, pulling the drawing out of my back pocket. We were gathered outside by the school busses, out of view from other students. 

"Go to cross country" Scott persuaded "If we find him we'll call but he could be dangerous and despite what you say i will not get another person involved if it will get them hurt." I let out a huff like a child but, closing my eyes and breathing deeply, i handed the paper to him.

"Okay, take this, maybe you can find wherever it is....find him" I furrowed my brows, cocking my head to the side "Hang on...dangerous?" I prompted. Everyone looked at Scott, who oozed awkwardness 

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