So, in my Biology test for genetics and all the stuff we had been learning from beginning of February to about last Tuesday was on our test.
The teacher was berating the class saying how we were the worst because most of us used notes and still did terrible and and I hear enough of this in sixth period, so just as I was about to zone out, she says, "but there was one person who got like 96% in this class."
Someone asked who it was.
It was me. It was actually 94.6% when I found out later but I'm sitting in my chair and I feel every single pair of eyes land on me. Throughout the rest of the berating speech, I mouth one word: woooooooow.
Turns out the fuckup next to me, Aaron, got the exact same score as me. 94.6%
Do you have those types of people who would rather talk across the classroom all day long? That's Aaron's job.
He used half of his notes and I didn't use any. He didn't study and neither did I.
How the fuck does someone like him get the exact same score as me? (Luck doesn't exist so that isn't the answer). The teacher thinks Aaron cheated. So she said she would check and see if we got the exact same answers wrong.
If we did, he better:
A) get written up.
B) get a 0 in the gradebook for the test.
C) not be able to retake it.Perfect rules including C. I shall find out today and will post the results tomorrow.
Btw, I have never had someone cheat off me during a test so..yeah.