1st Scenario
"I was born ready."
"Bitch please. You weren't ready. When you were born, you were crying like a little baby because of all the bright lights and noise. Your 1/10 millimeter dick was waving around in the air. You weren't ready."
2nd Scenario
"No, no, no, no, no! I'm not going!"
"Face it. We are gonna bring you anyways. Then you're gonna sit in the car and whine like a bitch. Eventually when people are shooting at you, you'll do your best to try to explain why you didn't want to come here in the first place and we'll just tell you to shut up."
3rd Scenario
"No. Come in. *insert name here* was just leaving."
"Was I? I mean, you never told me I had to leave. You never specifically that I had to leave. We were in the middle of a nice and good conversation and now *insert the person's name who interrupted here* had to ruin it. If you want me to leave, then say so."