chapter three

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I woke up the next morning with a fuzzy feeling in my head. I recalled last nights events and felt uneasy. My hand flew to my face and I internally screamed.
Why would I kiss him?
Why would I let him kiss me?
I sighed and sat up, my head barely spinning. I stood up and opened my door, finding Luke's closed.
I trotted downstairs groggily and looked at the clock on the wall.
I rolled my eyes at how much of the day I had already wasted sleeping and headed back up the stairs half way up he stairs.
I changed into a plain white-t (hahaha) and pulled on my black and red shorts. I pulled a large grey-almost cropped sweater and pulled on my long socks.
I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and walked down the stairs.
"Hello, sweetie!" My mom said from the bottom of the stairs.
I smiled at her and yawned. "Hi, I'm gonna head out and find a coffee shop. Can I use your car?"
"Can you drive?" She asked.
"Yeah, I got my license this year. I drive dads car all the time." I said. "And I'm turning seventeen pretty soon." I said, listing all the reason she should let me take her car.
She hesitated before sighing. "How about you take Luke's car? I'm sure he won't mind." My mom said.
I shrugged. "Okay."
I grabbed his crappy keys and pulled on my shoes, heading out to the car. I drove off to find a coffee shop.
I came across a star bucks and I felt my mouth watering for chai tea.
I parked Luke's car and locked it, twirling his keys on my finger. I walked inside and waited for my turn.
"Hi," said the boy at the register.
His name tag said 'Ashton' and I blushed for no actual reason.
"Hello," I smiled, playing with my fingers.
"What can I get you?"
"Can I have an iced chai tea?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. That's all?"
I nodded.
"2.49." He said.
I handed him the money and waited for my coffee.
An older lady in her thirtys, maybe, handed me my drink.
I arrived at the house to find a pissed off and fully awake Luke.
With my coffee in hand, I waltzed to the kitchen and sat at the counter chairs.
"What makes you think you can just take my car?!" He yelled in my face.
I widened my eyes and bit my lip, turning red.
"Well?? What the hell!" He yelled.
I slowly took a sip of my chai and sighed.
"Look, my mom said I could-"
"Do you ACTUALLY think I care what your mom says?" He scoffed.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm sorry!!" I yelled, throwing my hands up. "What else do you want me to do? I won't do it again!" I said.
Luke rolled his eyes. "Yeah." He pulled out a box of cereal and sat down across from me.
"Are you still mad?" I asked.
He looked up and rolled his eyes. "Stop talking to me. We're not friends."
I rolled my eyes, getting up and leaving with my chai.

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