10. happy tears

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(I'm putting titles on chapters now. (:(; )
The movie turned out to be really cute. I even cried, which was pretty shocking since I was around Luke. And frankly, I don't cry around people.
"Are you...crying?" I hear Luke whisper next to me.
I pretend to not hear him and I pretend to be yawning, giving myself an excuse to be teary eyed.
"What was that?" I asked him, wiping my eye and acting tired.
His eyebrow lifted and he scoffed, turning back to the movie.
The drive home was silent, except for the soft melody of Ghosts by James Vincent McMorrow. (10:10 should listen to that btw)
The comfortable mood was broken when Luke cleared his throat. My closed eyes opened and I turned to him.
"What?" I asked quietly.
He looked at me for a split second before looking back at the road.
"Can I say something...personal? Kind of?" He asked, and I bit my lip.
"You can say anything." I replied, rolling my oxygen tube between my fingers.
He sighed and pulled onto the side of the road.
My lips pursed and I looked at him, anxious to hear what he had to say that was so 'personal'.
He parked the car and shifted his body to look at me.
"Okay..." He looked at the radio as the song changed to Cover Your Tracks and I felt an almost smile tug at my lips.
"This is going to sound super cheesy, but I need to say it. California, you mean so much to me. I don't even know how long I've known you for-maybe 6 months, almost?"
I opened my mouth to correct him, but he shushed me.
"Just-just let me get through this." He looked me dead in the eye. "Everything about you makes me nervous, and I want to puke every time I see you, you're so beautiful." His eyebrows furrowed when he realized what he had said, and I burst out laughing.
He's so cute. 
"Ah-um...that's not what I actually meant. But, like, Cali, I don't know how I'm supposed to go on anymore if you decide to go  back with you're dad. You're my world now, and I feel the need to look after you always and make sure you're okay. You're the strongest person I know, and the prettiest, and I don't think I've ever loved anyone like I love you. And I don't know if this'll change anything, but...please don't let go of me." He said.
We sat there, staring at each other in the dark, in awe.
I felt my heart beating out of my chest and my lips quivering.
I opened my mouth slightly and a smile appeared on my face.
In seconds, I felt myself leaning forward. It was crazy, like we were both magnets, and next thing I knew his lips were on mine.
It wasn't a passionate kiss. It was a special, soft kiss like we didn't want to touch each other too long or one of us would fall apart.
I pulled away, gripping the front of his shirt, and I opened my eyes to find his staring back at me.
"I don't think you realize how long I've wanted to do that," he said, his hand cupping my cheek.
I let out a shaky breathe and he leaned in again, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips before pulling away and putting his hands back on the wheel.
He pulled out onto the street again and I leaned my head back against the head rest on my seat and a huge smile formed on my lips. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started hysterically  laughing. I just couldn't stop. It was either I start to hysterically laugh or hysterically cry, and I chose laugh.
Luke looked at me sideways as happy tears began to form in my eyes.
He began laughing himself, and his hand found my thigh.
Butterflies erupted through my stomach and my laughing became silent laughs, just me violently jerking forward instead of letting out obnoxious snorts of laughter with an enormous smile painted on my face.
Luke's little laughs started becoming quoted laughs too, the two of us in fits that made his driving dangerous.
"Luke!" I managed to yell out. "Keep your eyes on the road!" I finally finished laughing, my abdomen hurting from laughing so hard.
Luke sighed, his smile still plastered on his face and I face palmed.
Realization hit me that his hand was still on my thigh, and I held my breathe. I looked down at his hand and I bit my lip.
It was sending tingles throughout that leg, and I gently lifted it off, intertwining my fingers with his.
I looked at him through the corner of my eyes and saw his smug smile on his face.
This was happy. I was happy.

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