11. wedding plans

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As soon as we were in the house, Luke brought me to the kitchen and sat down on one of the high stools.
I really wanted to just head up to my room, I didn't feel like doing anything with anyone anymore.
"So...hungry?" He smiled.
I forced a quiet laugh and I looked at my hands, leaning on the counter. "No, not really." I tucked my hair behind my ear and kept a fake small smile on my face.
"Are you sure? We have Cheetos."
Not even Cheetos sounded appealing right now, I just wanted to be alone in my room.
I shook my head, my smile still stuck to my lips. I looked down at my feet and rocked on my heels. "Um, I'm actually gonna' head up to bed." I said, glancing up at his face. "I had a lot of fun tonight, I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a quick wave, stepping past him with both of my hands holding each other in front of him. I glanced at his face as I passed, his eyebrows were furrowed and he had a pout on his lips.
I reached the top of the stairs and sucked in a breathe as I passed his room, opening my door and shutting it behind me once I got in.
I let out the breathe I had in me and ran my hand through my hair.
I had changed into a huge t-shirt and comfy shorts  in no time, my previous outfit scattered all over the floor. 
I found myself sitting on my bed in the dark with my lap top in front of me, my headphones in my ears. I was watching Bates Motel, which I had started before I moved and forgotten about until now.
I jumped when the door opened a crack and I saw my mom standing behind the opening.
I pulled an earphone out and paused my show, motioning for her to come in.
She walked in, flicking the lights on and shutting the door behind me.
I flinched and squinted at the sudden bright lights hitting my eyes and I groaned.
"Cali?" She said my name, taking a few steps towards me.
I sensed a long conversation coming and I shut my lap top, rolling my eyes and scooting over to she could sit on the bed with me.
"I've been thinking a lot about the wedding-"
"You're cancelling it?"
I jumped to immediate conclusions, my eyes widening and my mouth opening.
She squealed and laughed, covering her mouth. "Oh-God no, of course not." She said, leaning back on her arms extended behind her back. "Um, about the wedding. What would you say to being a brides maid?"
I sat there staring at her for a few moments. I shrugged and blew air out of my cheeks.
"That sounds...hard." I said. "But I'll do it." I added, smiling a little.
A huge smile broke on to her frowning face and her hands went to her cheeks, her eyes closing and a laugh escaping her lips a little too loudly.
"Oh, perfect! This is going to be so amazing, I have so many wedding plans already, you can help me!" She squealed, standing up and sighing.
She put a hand under my chin and she sighed. "I'm so happy you're here. The house feels...complete with you here."
I scoffed a laugh and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay." I held my hands in my lap.
She let her hand fall and she kissed my forehead. "Well, good night California." She turned around to the door and I reopened my laptop. "I love you," she said as she walked out.
"Love you," I muttered as she flicked the lights back off and closed the door.
I was happy that the conversation went by so quickly and I sighed, putting my head phones back in and playing Bates.
I woke up the next morning with a headache. I groaned and sat up way too fast, my head spinning. I blinked a few times until I could see again, and I swung my legs over the side of the bed, yawning and stretching my arms. I glanced over at my phone on the ground. It was lit up with my friend's caller I.D from back home and I bent over to answer it.
"Hey, Stella." I said, rubbing my eyes.
"California!" She yelled and I winced, pulling the phone away from my ear. "Oh-it's so nice to hear from you! Are you okay?" She asked.
I scratched my nest of hair and rolled my eyes. "Yup. Doin' just fine."
There was a moment of silence on the other line before I heard her intake a breathe to speak. "You know, I'm really happy you're doing okay. I was afraid you'd be in worse shape."
I made a face and held back an annoyed scoff. "Well, I'm doing really good. Thanks for calling."
"Mmhmm! So-hey, when are you coming back home?" She asked and I fell back on the bed with an annoyed expression on my face.
"Um...not for a while. I don't know exactly when. But not for a while. You know, Stella, I gotta go, my mom needs help..in the kitchen." I said, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Oh, okay, bye California! I miss you!" She laughed and I touched my face with my hand.
"Miss you too." I said, hanging up the phone before she could say anything else.
I didn't want to sound rude or anything, but I just really couldn't care less about anything she was saying. She was a two faced bitch that never stopped talking. I stood up and stretched my arms again, yawning for the second time in five minutes and taking a few steps in front of the mirror.
I widened my eyes at my appearance, my mascara from last night smudged under my eyes and my hair a knotty mess. I pulled it up into a pony tail and slipped a sweater on before opening my door. I was hit in the face with the smell of bacon and eggs and I half threw up half flew down the stairs to go get some.
I slowly went down the stairs, coughing as soon as I reached the bottom. My small cough turned into a coughing fit and I heard my name being called from the kitchen.
"Cali, you okay?" Josh yelled.
I coughed again before yelling back. "I'm good!" I said, clearing my throat and few times and walking into the kitchen. "Smells good." I lied.
I actually decided that it smelled like death and I felt sick to my stomach.
"Good, you want some?" He asked.
I laughed and shook my head. "No, I'm good, thanks." I sat on a stool and rested my head in my hands.
"You sure? You look hungry." He laughs, beginning to make a plate for me.
I coughed and shook my head. "Josh, no-I'm really not hungry."
He stopped and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded. "I'm fine. Just not hungry right now."
He sighed and put the plate back down.  "Well, me and your mom and going shopping today. Good luck with Luke, I know he's a handful. And yeah. When you get hungry-" he pointed at the eggs he made in the skillet. "Eggs."
As he said that, my mom walked in wearing a maxi dress and her hair was in a messy bun.
"Hey hun, Josh." She said to us, kissing my cheek. "We're heading out. Don't get into trouble when we're gone, love ya." She said as they both grabbed their things and headed out the door.
"Love you." I said to myself as the door closed and I sat with my head resting in my hands.

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