18. it's nice, Cali.

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It had been a week and a half since Luke and I has sex.
Things were different now, we would barely talk to each other around our parents, and when we were home alone.
I wanted more of him, but he never left his room. He made sure to keep his door locked.
My dad had left a few days ago, which was hard for me to let go. I went to Luke with my sad eyes and all he did was push me away.
Well this sucks.
I thought to myself, walking upstairs to my room after dance classes.
Luke was barely touching me during dance classes, avoiding eye contact with me the entire time and never speaking a word to me.
Dress fitting's were going on tomorrow, and I was excited to see my brides maid dress. Of course, I also thought that Luke would be excited, but he wasn't...anymore.
I was currently sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water, thinking about how much I hated Luke.
I stared at myself in the pool reflection, then kicked the water where my face was and sighed, running a hand through my hair.
To say I was annoyed was an understatement. I was infuriated, wanting nothing more than to just kick him in the balls and then kiss him.
I don't think Luke is my boyfriend anymore.
I stood up from my place in the pool, my legs feeling cold as soon as I brought them out of the water. I dried them off and grabbed my stupid ass tank, walking into the kitchen.
"Cali, dresses tomorrow!" She cheered, smiling at me. "Are you excited?"
I forced a faint smile and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm really excited." I said, walking past her.
I walked upstairs, passing Luke's room to hear the other boys on the phone, or something. I went into my room and shut the door, staring at myself in the mirror. I was wearing black shorts and a way too big distressed Rolling Stones t-shirt. I wore a long sleeved shirt underneath, since it was starting to get chilly outside. The leaves had started falling and changing colors, which was my favorite season of the year. Fall.
This also meant that school was actually starting up for me back home.
I spent the rest of the day in my room, telling myself that Luke meant nothing to me.
Of course, I was lying to myself, Luke meant more to me than I meant to myself.
I didn't eat dinner, I fell asleep before I could, and when I woke up in the morning, my stomach was grumbling like I hadn't eaten in days.
Which was partially true, I'd quit eating as much as I used to. Stupid medication, I guess.
There was a knock on my door and I groggily sat up, waiting for whoever it was to open the door.
It was Josh. "Your mom wants me to tell you to get up soon, we wouldn't want to be late to the dress parlor."
I nodded my head and ran a hand through my knotty hair. "You and Luke are coming?" I asked.
He nodded his head. "Luke needs to get a tux," he laughed. "Can you believe that he doesn't have one? He just keeps growing and growing, it's crazy."
I smiled and stood up. "I wish I would grow," I laughed, looking at myself in the mirror.
I was evidently smaller than I was when I first came here.
Josh just smiled and shut the door.
I decided not to change, I slept in what I was wearing last night and I was too tired to change into anything else. 
I pulled on socks and sneakers and brushed my hair and teeth, pulling my hair into a messy ponytail and heading downstairs.
"Hey, you're ready?" My mom asked, wearing knee leggings and one of Josh's shirts.
I nodded my head and turned around when I heard Luke coming.
He was wearing basketball shorts and a band tee, the usual (besides his signature ball tight jeans).
"Alright, kids, let's go." Josh said, opening the door for us. We filed into the van, Luke and I looking out our windows the entire time and leaving maximum space between us.
We arrived at this big mall. Josh said that the dress parlor was inside the mall, so we all awkwardly walked through the mall full of teenagers and single moms to get to it.
We could recognize it from far away, all the walls being glass or white and a big pink light up sign.
I sighed as we entered, a lady at the front desk waving at us.
"Hello!" She cheered, recognizing my mom I guess cos' she pulled her in for s hug.
The whole signing papers part was long, but about half an hour later I was actually able to try on the dresses.
The first one was a body con dress. It was a baby creamy pink color with studs all over it. The lady helped me into it, and I felt extremely self-conscience of my skinny pale body.
She giggled when she saw me and left. I was just standing there, confused as fuck as to why she left, but then she came waddling back with a clip for my hair.
I had pulled my hair out of my ponytail so it was falling over my shoulders.
She wedged the clip into my hair, and it was extremely uncomfortable.
"Okay, let's show your mom." She said, taking my hand and leading me out of the dress room to the first room we walked in.
Josh and my mom were sitting there, both looking down at a magazine.
The lady cleared her throat, and they both looked up.

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