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I am finally allowed visitors. People will actually talk to me!

Oh, but Ezra will be sad.

"Aria?" Mike asks.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Can we figure out how to get in our bodies?"

"Sure. I need to do that. Want to try it out with my body?" I ask.

"Okay. I guess we can do that."

"Maybe if I lay down on it?" I say, trying that.


"Try jumping on it."

I try that. Still nothing.

Oh god. Here comes Ezra. Please don't say anything too sad.

"Aria, you made me write this poem. I am not very good at writing poems.

You are the one,
I need you
Please live.

You are the only one I have ever loved,
Regardless of what you think.
I don't think I deserve love,
Let alone, you.
The way my mother treated me, and you too.

My father abandoned me.
My brother is a creep.
My mom is a bitch.
My ex cheated on me and made me think that her kid was mine.

My life could be considered sad.

But I have you.

My B-26
My soul mate.
My one true pairing.
My before anyone else.
And all that teen lingo I have not picked up.

Come on, Aria.
Push through this.
It will be hard.
But it will be worth it.

We can have four beautiful kids
If you would like
Whom would give us ten beautiful grandkids, you know, if they want to.
They could call you Oma, and they could call me Opa.
Because you know, I'm German.

Call me greedy, but,
I need you.
I love you.

And Aria?

Please live.
If not for you,
For me."

"Oh my god. That was so beautiful." I say, crying.

"Aw, Aria, he is so sweet!" Mike mocks.

"Shut up."

"Oh body, let me in." I say.

"Yeah that was kind of stupid." I admit.

"Come on. I need to live." I whine.

What is happening?

I can see worse.
I feel my fingers.
I feel my toes.

Am I in my body?

"Ezra?" I say.

"Aria?" He gasps.

Tbh I wrote this poem when I started the story. Before I published part 1. I think it is very rough.

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