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Ten years later...

Geoff is in jail on two cases of manslaughter. He is stuck in there for at least the next fifteen years.

Also, he will not be getting his job back.

That was the only job he could be able to do.

The Fitz family was forced to pay up. They owed Mike and I a large sum of a million dollars after the hospital bills.

To this day we have no idea how we got that much.

Surprisingly, Dianne likes Ezra and I better now because we unintentionally made someone's drinking problem go away.

She visits us every Christmas, Ezra's birthday, and the anniversary of the car crash.

Dianne has become more enjoyable.

Ezra and I put ours share away (under my name, of course) and are saving it. I used very little for college, because I guess Hollis had this thing where past and present employees got their children a great discount.

Mike got used to his new leg in no time. He actuality likes it better, because it is less sweat.

Scott had a hard time getting over his brother's death.

We all had a hard time, actually.

But, Scott found himself a girl. She is pretty and nice, and they are expecting their third (and final, or so they say) child in a week. It is a girl! How exciting.

Their kids names are Lucy and Byron.

Me? I am an English teacher at Hollis with Ezra.

Ezra and I got married. I am four months pregnant with his child.

This night, like many others over the last four months, I have been lying awake in my bed.

Tomorrow is the day we find out the gender. And when I tell everyone.

If you know, you can tell. If not, it looks like I am getting a little pudgy.

"Aria, are you still awake?" A tired Ezra moans.

"Yes. Baby is kicking. And I wasn't able to get to sleep."

"Can I- can I feel it?" He asks.

"Yes you can." I laugh.

"Hey little bud. How you doing? Can you please let mommy sleep?" He says to my stomach.

"You are so weird." I say.

"Did baby stop?"

"Actually, yes. Thanks for that. Now get some sleep."

"But now I am wide awake."

"Just go to sleep." I moan, rolling over.

Finally, after what feels like for ever, I fall asleep.

After I wake up, I get ready for the doctors appointment.

"How is my beautiful wife?" Ezra asks.

"Great. No morning sickness today."

"That is awesome, love!" He cheers.

"You ready to see the baby?" I ask.

"Yeah. Are we going to learn if the baby is a girl or boy?"

"Of course."

"Alright. Let's go."

We get in the car and start driving.

"Do think it is a boy or a girl?" I ask.

"I think it is a girl, what about you?"

"I think it is a boy. I feel it."

"I guess we will find out soon."

"Yeah. Let's go inside, because we are here."

After we checked ourselves in, we sat down.

"Fitz?" The lady asks.

We walk in to the office.

"Hello, how are you guys doing?" Dr. Wiggins asks.

"Great. Can't wait to see our little baby." I say.

"Any issues sleeping at night, excessive morning sickness, other concerns?"

"I can't sleep most nights."

"Try getting a body pillow and sleeping on your left side."

"Okay." I sensed.

"Okay, I am going to take your measurements." She says, using a tape measure to measure my belly.

"Alright. Hop on the scale."

"Okay." I say, standing up.

"Alright. You are right on track. Time to see baby Fitz."

She runs the cold goop on my stomach.
"Would you like to know the gender?"

"Of course we would."

"It is a boy! Congratulations!"

"I told you." I say to Ezra.

"Alright, would you like a copy of the picture?"

"Of course we would. Could we have ten please?"

"Absolutely. Let me print them out."

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