"You're weak. You lack hatred."

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"Misa-chan! I did 200 push ups to build up my strength! Now will you date me?" Lee asked going down on one knee.

The blonde sighed as she and her teammates walked into the training grounds. She didn't understand why Lee wanted to be with the coldest girl in town, then again, she was the only one aside from Hinata and TenTen that wasn't crushing on Sasuke, but Hinata had Naruto, and TenTen liked Neji.

Why? She would never know. "Lee. Listen carefully. No." She growled.

Lee looked at her then Gai. "Gai-sensei! Let us do 200 chin ups! If I win Misa will surely date me."

The girl sighed, Tenten giggled walking next to her as they went to the bars. "Couldn't you just do one date so he'd get it out of his system?" She asked.

"No. Aside from the fact that he'd ask me to marry him next. I have too much on my plate to even think of boys." Misa replied darkly, she just needed to focus on keeping Sasuke safe.

"He wouldn't do th-.." Ten Ten broke off.

"Gai-sensei once Misa and I are dating, I'm gonna ask her to marry me." Lee's voice had cut her off.

"Point taken." TenTen chuckled.

"What do you mean too much on your plate? All you ever do is train." Neji growled as they started.

Misa cast him a glare. "Training is my top priority. Nothing more." She stated. Lee was to her left (out of her sight), TenTen to her right, and Neji beside her.

"Well if you ask me.... Wouldn't getting.... With Lee.... Be easier..?" Neji asked. "You could... Train together.."

"Shut up Hyuuga. I'd die before I married that, I have to love them if they want to even date me." Misa muttered.

"You love?" He teased.

"Nope." She replied completely serious her good eye trained on the horizon.

Tenten sighed as they argued.  "So then where does your watching Sasuke fit in with training being your top priority?" She asked, they all knew the blonde watched him from a far and had helped him multiple times without the boy knowing.

"He's my second priority as a favor to the Hokage." Misa growled. She had told the old man of Itachi's request and he had allowed it.

"Are you sure it's not because he's part of your clan?" Neji hissed. Misa narrowed her eyes.

"Hyuuga, Sasuke being an Uchiha has nothing to do with it. If I could I'd kill the bastard and save myself the trouble." The blonde replied.

"Then why don't you?"

"The Hokage would kill me."

Tenten chuckled at this. "So you're stuck protecting him till the end of time."

Misa scoffed. "I better not be." She muttered as she increased her speed to stay ahead of Lee. She wasn't about to have the boy beat her in something as easy as pull-ups.

"Alright, I'm finished. Gai-sensei." The blonde said landing on her feet, her tone and face bore no emotion.

"Awww... Misa-chan no fair!" Lee complained as he was still doing his. The blonde didn't even spare him a glance. She wanted to kill him too, even if he was her team mate.

Gai chuckled and clapped the blonde on the back. "Good job my youthful student!"

TenTen giggled as Neji helped her down. "Sensei can we have the rest of the day off?" She asked. Misa cast her only friend a glance, whas she tired already?

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