Pinky Promise?

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Kinaru: Hi everybody, it's me again with another chapter. I hope you enjoy.


Gai: Kinaru does not own Naruto! She only owns her OC my youthful student Misa-chan!

Misa: Gai-sensei...


When Gaara finally broke the kiss, he stared into Misa's shimmering black orb. Her face clearly showed how shocked and embarrassed she was. Her cheeks were almost as red as his hair.

In the moment of their kiss, Gaara had pushed her back down onto her bed, He was hovering over her. His hands on either side of her head, he had been careful not to sit on her legs. They both stood frozen for what seemed like hours. His breath tickling Misa's lips, their eyes never moving from each others gaze. Misa's breathing hitched when he leaned forward, his lips mere inches from her.

"I think I might just 'love' you, Misa." He whispered. The girl beneath him whimpered as his lips came to rest on hers again. Gaara's hands pulled her closer to him one holding the back of her head, the other around her waist.

Misa's cheeks turned a new shade of red as she tried to figure out how they had gone from arguing to kissing. His lips felt soft against hers, she found herself leaning into the kiss. When he pulled back for air, she saw the smirk on his face, this pulled her back into reality. The blonde forced him off her right as he was leaning in to kiss her again.

From the glint in her eyes, the boy wasn't sure if she was going to cry or kill him. "Get out!" It was the first one, Gaara stared at her as the tears came pouring down her cheeks.

"Misa, I-" "GET OUT!!!" She all but screamed slapping his cheek.

Gaara seemed to be as a loss for words, yes his sand had blocked it, but he kind of wished it hadn't. He wanted to know the pain of regection physically. He wanted to know if it had been a gentle slap, or if Misa had put all her strength into it.

Though what confused him was that Misa had kissed him back, so then why was she now screaming at him? No matter how he looked at it, it was confusing. She wouldn't have kissed back if she hadn't have like'd him too right?

Misa pulled the blankets up so they covered most of her body as she turned to bury her face in her pillows. The red head beside her heard her cry a bit harder as she moved her legs.

He wanted to comfort her so much, but he knew it was best if he leave. Misa heard the door click as he left but she ignored it. She felt like she had been stabbed, twice. She flipped the light off, not wanting anyone from the outside to see her.

"Why so sad dear one?" The blonde froze where she lay, the last thing she needed was someone to see her crying.

Her bed dipped a little as he sat beside her. "Why is the last Uchiha girl crying?" Misa glanced up from her pillow. There Itachi crouched, he whipped her tears away and positioned her so she was laying on her back.

He stared at her for a good ten minutes before he spoke again. "Are you going to tell me why I found you crying your eyes out?" Misa sniffled and Itachi couldn't help but hold her in his arms. He gently ran his fingers through her hair.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, her face was puffy from crying. The boy couldn't help but feel angry though, Misa really was like a sister to him, and he was sure it was a boy who had done this to her. "Tell me what happened?"

She looked up at him, her eyes glossy. "G-gaara...." The older Uchiha rose a brow at her.

"What did Gaara do now?" His gaze traveled to her legs. How he wished he could go back and stop it from happening.

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