Snake Bite

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Misa: Kinaru does not own Naruto, nore Naruto Shippuden.

TenTen: She only owns her OC Misa-chan!


---Misa's POV---


Everyone was listened as the hokage explained the real reason for the exam. That it was a replacement for war among the allied countries. The Hokage explained that part of the exam risks everyones lives, and for thee third exam the leaders of the countries would be watching.

The moment Lee had carried me into the tower, Gai-sensei had called the medics. Though I had put up a fight saying I wanted to participate in the next round, but they forbid it. Damn medics.

I was now in a hospital bed they had tried to heal my legs but it was no help. From my knees down my leg bones were shattered. I had seen Sasuke brought into a room not far from mine. I was lucky my left side was to the window, I could see anyone who came in or out, that was if my door was open.

The third was sitting in the chair by my bed at the moment, he was waiting for me to wake up, well more like open my eyes, I'd been awake for a while now.

"Old man, if you squeeze my hand any tighter it might fall off." I said dryly, the pain I was in left no room for humor.

Hiruzen jumped. "Misaki." I could see he was on the verge of tears.

I tried to smile at him. "Hey, don't be sad I'm gonna be fine. Just you wait. I'll be up and running around in a few weeks." I said, though we both knew that was a lie.

"Misaki, everyone is wondering what happened to your legs. TenTen said we'd have to ask you." I looked down at my bandaged up legs. "It was an accident. That's all." I whispered turning my face away so the hokage wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.

I heard him sigh. "Alright, and though the medics told me not to. I think you should know that your chances of continuing your ninja training have almost completely shattered." He said gently.

"I know Gramps.." I grabbed his hand as he stood. "What do you call an Uchiha that's blind in one eye, with disfuntional legs?" I asked in a joking manner.

He slightly smiled. "I don't know, what?"


I felt his arms envelope me in a hug. "You are anything but dead." He said kissing my forhead.

"Thanks gramps." I hugged him back tightly before letting him go. On the wall by the door there was a large mirror. I didn't have to be a genius to know that it was one of those panes, where you look threw one side as a window while the other side is a mirror.

I could sense the chakra of one. What bothered me was that I could not recognize it. I tried to relax before the machine I was hooked up to went crazy with my heart beat. Problem was, the amount of chakra was huge.

"Is what I hear true? Is the Great Uchiha Misaki, done for as a ninja?" My eyes whipped open and I sent a look at the pale man, whose black hair and purple eye shadow caused him to look like a girl and a snake.

"Who are you?" I asked sitting up as best I could. His head band had a sound symbol.

"Uh. Uh. Uh." He pushed me back down. "You must rest."

"Who are you?" I repeated glaring at him, my bangs had fallen over most of my face.

The dark haired girly man brushed them aside. His eyes went wide as they focused on my face. "Misa-chan, what's wrong with your eye?" He asked.

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