Friendly Chat and a Warning

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Kinaru: Well I hope you like this chapter, I also hope everyone is liking the new version.


Misa: Kinaru does not own Naruto, only me.

We hope you enjoy.


Misa sighed as she walked home after a long day of training, the sun had long since set, she had worked herself rather hard. Her red shirt was tattered and skin was showing from where she'd ripped it, her knee length black shorts were in the same condition.

She had decided night training would be canceled that evening though it made her feel weak. Her thoughts went to Team seven at that point, they had not spoken to her since she called Naruto and Sakura weak.

Sasuke seemed to be keeping his distance too, Misa mentally scowled herself, she felt like she was turning into Itachi. Only he would say something like that. Though they were weak, she made a note to be more cheerful next time she saw him.

"Hey you!" The blonde looked up from the ground to see three guys. She squinted at them, they looked somewhat familiar, though she couldn't place any names. "Yeah you, come here!" The sand colored blonde called to her.

Misa shook her head, the smell of beer filled her nose as they came closer. She frowned and turned away from them and continued walking, she didn't have the strength to deal with them.

"Hey, I know you. You're that Golden killer or somethin." Misa found herself picking up speed in an attempt to get away, the Hokage's builbing was only a few blocks away, she could stay there till they went away.

"You got it wrong dude she'd the Golden Death. Said she could kill without the victim knowing." The sandy blonde whacked the dark haired one over the head. The other black haired boy smiled.

"Hey Golden Death! Why don't you show us what you got?" He asked his hand reached out and caught her right arm. He pulled her back to look at him. He was met with a glare as the girl went to pull away.

"Yeah, show us. See if you can fight three at once" The blonde boy mocked. Misa frowned as they twirled her around. The three had surrounded her, she felt like the monkey in the middle.

"Stop this foolishness and depart." She said in a superior tone. "I have no time to waste one you." She realized she had said that wrong when one of them punched her in the gut on her blind side causing her to stoop, she fell to her knees clutching her stomach.

"You talk big for someone so small. I can't believe you scare these guys." The blonde growled his two friends were looking at him like he was crazy. "You know what I think. I bet you were the one who started all those rumors just to make yourself look big."

"Why would I want to look big when I prefer to be unseen?" She asked looking up at him, her eyes and face empty. The man punched her across the face without any hesitation. Misa coughed a little blood dribbled down from her lips as she looked back up at him.

"Three men against one girl. Isn't that a little pathetic?" All three men turned see someone, Misa couldn't see who it was around the blonde guy.

"Get lost sand boy." One of the two dark haired boys growled as they turned back to the blonde on the ground. "You're a bitch, talking back like that. I'll show you your place." The blonde boy rose his foot to stomp on her like they would an ant, Misa braced herself looking down and closing her eyes.

But the hit never came, she heard two men yelling, the sound of somethimg being crushed, and the sound of running. Some warm liquid touched her knees causing her to open her eyes. There on the ground was blood and lots of it.

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