Gotta Love That Smile

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Kinaru: Oi I'm back but Heads up, This chapter is after Itachi and Kisame came and tried to get Naruto, like that night. I hope you enjoy!


Misa: Kinaru does not own Naruto.

Kisame: She only owns her OC Sarutobi (Uchiha) Misaki.

Gaara: That's questionable.


Misa sat up slowly, propping herself up against the back of the bed frame, she had just woken up after sleeping all day, she felt slightly more refreshed than she had when Sasuke had visited her that morning. She glanced outside lazily, the moon was high up in the sky, making her wonder just what time it was.

"Nice of you to join the land of the living." A smile formed on her face as she turned back to the room. There sat Itachi in the chair next to her, behind him she could just make out the silouette of his partner.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Kisame-kun." The swordsman stepped forward into the moonlight. She could see the ghost of a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I've been busy Squirt." Itachi chuckled at this. "More like lazy."

The Uchiha turned back to her, his eyes scanned over her closely, she didn't seem as frail as she had when they had arrived. "Besides, you said you needed him for go fish. Right Misa?" The blonde smirked, as her eye traveled back to Itachi. "Yeah, you can't play go fish without the fish."

Both Uchihas watched as a frown settled on the tall man's face "Shut up."

Misa's smirk only grew as did Itachi's. Kisame glared at the two of them, they may not look that much alike, but it was clear both possessed the famous Uchiha smirk. It bothered him to no end, their personalities and looks were so different yet so similar.

"Come on Kisame-kun, we're only teasing." Misa said as she moved to a more comfortable position. Both men could clearly see the look of pain in her eyes.

Itachi sat on the bed beside her. "I swear if those medics don't fix your legs soon, I'll go hunt down the damn medic who can myself." He growled pulling her into a hug, the girl in his arms giggled at this. They both knew he couldn't do that without giving away the secret Itachi visited her countless times.

Kisame chuckled. "Not unless you wanna get caught by some black ops."

"If it will get my little sister walking again, I'd gladly do it." The dark haired Uchiha growled glancing back up at his partner as he stroked Misa's hair, her head leaned against his shoulder.

His partner smiled down at the two. "Yeah, but that would also endanger Misa-chan's life. So all of us know you wont." Kisame replied. This made Itachi frown as he sat beside them, being careful to avoid Misa's legs.

"It's fine. I'll be walking before you know it." She grinned as she played with Itachi's hand that bore the ring. Her's shone in the moonlight, making it catch Kisame's eye.

"Itachi, what the fuck is this?" He asked grabbing her rist and lifting it so he could see the ring more closely. His eyes narrowed, it looked so much like Itachi's, but made of expensive gems.

Itachi looked up at him. "Kisame, it's only a present, and it's not the real thing. Just a replica of mine."

"The jewels are real.." The swordsman glared at him. "Where in hell did you find the money to get this made?"

"Kakuzu." Itachi replied. This made Kisame smirk. "If he finds out he'll kill you."

Itachi chuckled. "He wont, he doesn't even know it's gone." Misa watched the two in confusion, for she did not know this Kakuzu person, perhaps he too was a member of the organization. Kisame released her hand and sighed as he looked at the two beside him, then at the clock on the night stand, it read one in the morning.

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