Last Visit, For Now Anyway

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Kinaru: Back again, sorrry for the wait. Was having trouble on deciding on how to continue. So this chapter will be taking place sometime between Itachi and Kisame's visit and the day Sasuke leaves the village.


Kabuto: Kinaru does not own Naruto, she only owns her OC Misa-chan.

Misa: We hope you enjoy!!!


It was another crazy day at the hospital and Misa absolutely hated it, not only was Itachi in deep trouble for putting Sasuke in this assylum with her, but Sakura and Ino used this as a chance to confront the Uchiha.

"Hey! Misa, what do you mean to Sasuke-kun?" Sakura demanded as she sat in the chair beside the crippled girl's bed.

"How would I know? Shouldn't you be asking Sasuke that?" The Uchiha asked, Ino's eyes narrowed as she came closer and leaned forward so they were having a staring contest. "What does Sasuke-kun mean to you then?"

Misa shrugged as she stared into the light blonde girl's eyes. "Last I knew, he was like a little brother." She replied in an uncaring tone.

The pinkette furrowed her brow. "Wouldn't he be the big brother?" She asked giving her a look of distrust.

Misa couldn't help but laugh, 'how dumb were these fangirls?' It took her a moment to calm down before she clarified. "Sakura, I'm fifteen years old." Did they forget she was on Gai's team?

Both fangirls stared at Misa like she had grown a second head. Ino was the first one to come out of the trance. "But that still makes you a year older than Neji-san, TenTen-san, and Lee-san."

Misa nodded. "I am, I started later than most." She said, her left hand was covering her right, she didn't need them thinking Sasuke had given her the ring too.

Sakura snapped out of it and pointed a finger at the Uchiha. "Just stay away from Sasuke-kun from now on, and you'll be fine." She growled before leaving. Misa chuckled.

Ino cast  her a look. "Watch out Misa-san, if we see you with Sasuke-kun, we'll hunt you down." The blonde threatened following her fellow fangirl.

Misa sighed as her gaze lingered at the door. She wished the sun would set a little faster, she wanted to go beat Itachi up, problem was, she didn't know if he would be coming that night. When she last saw him two nights ago, he made it sound like he wouldn't be coming back for a while.

It was clear to Misa now, that it was because he had come to the village, making everyone slightly more edgy. She looked out the window in awe, there on the horizon, she could make out a rainbow, she didn't know why it was there though. It hadn't rained in the last few days so it made no sense at all.

Do rainbows usually come out on their own? She wondered as she looked back at her night stand, the box Gaara had left her still sat there. She picked it up, setting it on her lap she opened it, smiling slightly as her eyes landed on his picture, it brought her to wonder if she'd ever see him again. She knew there was a chance she'd die in surgery, though she didn't want to admit it, she was afraid.

She was afraid she'd never see Itachi again, never eat ramen with Naruto, never have another Girl's Night with TenTen, never go on another mission, never be able to stop Sasuke from killing Itachi, never being able to walk, and never seeing Gaara again.

It was night fall before she knew it, Misa was dozing with Gaara's box still on her lap.

"Knock knock." She opened her eyes to see the raven she had planned to yell at and her eyes narrowed. "Hey, don't look at me like that."

"WHy shouldn't I you son of a bitch! What were you thinking?! Putting your own brother in the hospital!!!! I thought you loved him!?" Misa yelled and Itachi had to clamp his hand over her mouth to keep her from waking the whole village.

"Misa, Sasuke needs to sever all bonds to become stronger, he has to hate me." He said, wincing as the girl beneath him bit at his hand with her sharp teeth. "And I can only stay a few minutes, I just came by to see you before your surgery. Since I wont be able to come back for some time." He said.

Itachi saw Misa's eyes soften, she placed her box back on her stand before hugging him. Itachi released her mouth from his grip and hugged her back. "That's not fair Itachi." She complained burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry... I promise to at least visit you on every holiday." The girl pouted, though he couldn't see it. She muttered something along the lines of "You better visit more than that or I'll hunt you down." The male chuckled running his fingers through her hair, he truly was going to miss her.

Itachi sighed releasing her, he kissed her forehead. "Stay safe Misa." He said as he jumped out the window. He lept to the roof tops where he paused for a moment looking back at her hospital room. It hurt him to know that when they met again she wouldn't be there. He had seen Orochimaru's curse mark on her neck, why she never told him, he didn't know.

But he knew that Orochimaru would come for her when he came for Sasuke. He wondered if she would rebel against Orochimaru, would she have the strength to ignore him, or his lies?

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