7. Mommy's Letter To Daddy

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Natsu POV:

"Luce has a daughter..." I whispered to myself. 

My pink spikes cast a shadow across my face, covering my eyes in the darkness. I felt so broken, so empty. This was worst than when I thought that Lucy had died. This was far worst. The love of my life had found another man and had a child with him. SO many negative emotions circled around inside of me. I had never felt so useless. Not even when Igneel died and left me. This was a whole new feeling of sorrow and sadness. 

I decide to grow a pair and snap out of my depression and be happy. I needed to be happy, for the Guild, for all of my friends, my family, and my Luce, but I guess she wasn't mine anymore. I growled at the thought of her with another man, another man touching my woman, another man that fathered her child,  the thoughts were unbearable. I quickly thought up happy thoughts and returned to Happy, Mira, and Ice Prick. I almost forgot that we had to pick up all the kids. From Seth, Gajeel's kid to Erza and Mira's kids. I sighed, I wish Luce and I could have had a daughter together, but I guess that isn't possible now. I'm too late. She doesn't love me anymore, hell I don't even know if she ever did. Its not like we were a couple or did anything that couples did. I wanted that, but I was always scared she would reject me or hate me. And at the time I couldn't let that happen; I still feel that way to this day.

I sighed and waited for my motion sickness to take over my body. Mira started the engine and I started puking ma guts out. Ice Prick laughed at me and called me a wimp and many other words I couldn't make out. I would have beat the living shit out of that bastard, if I hadn't been unable to move. Lucky bastard were the words that  echoed in my head. 

Soon after around forty minutes later I was to a point were I wasn't puking as much and used the time to fall deep into sleep. 

I dreamed of food and Lucy, and what could have been... 


What a sick fantasy. 

Dreams can be oh so cruel.

Lucy POV:

By the time Nashi and I reached the house I was so exhausted that I barely made it to the front door before passing out on the large black sofa couch in our huge living room. I told Nashi that she could do whatever she wanted. As long as she behaved and didn't play with any kind of deadly weapons, besides forks, and stayed in the house until I awoke. She nodded and ran up stairs, a huge Natsu grin on her face.

Nashi POV: 

I played hours with stuff in my room then I advanced into Mommies bedroom and dug through pictures again. This time I read some of her writing logs, well the words I could at least. Nothing caught my eye until I discovered an orange envelope with a 'N' stamped with a red seal on it. I opened it up and began reading it. The name was written as N-A-T-S-U, I think it read Nasty, but I'm not sure. I then read every word I knew in the letter. I actually knew quite a few of them. I was pleased with myself, but Shai kept tugging on my pajama bottoms for my attention. I don't think she liked it when we snooped in Mommy's personal stuff. I didn't either, but it was the only way to find information on Daddy without hurting Mommy. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

Lucy's Actual Letter To Natsu That Read:

Dear Natsu,

You won't remember this, I know that for sure so I'm just going to write this to you. I will never give you this letter, but I have no one to tell this to, and I need to release this stress. Because I can't be stressed right now it will hurt my child. Yes I said my child, well it's your child too, but you won't ever know that. Well at least during our daughter's childhood years. I know you would make a great Father, but I just can't ruin your life. Let's face it, you don't love me and we're both still practically children. I'm 18, your 19, we're way too young. And if I were to tell this to you I feel that you would reject my love for you and our growing child. You see I can't have that. I refuse to have an abortion or to send my child that is growing inside of me off to some crappy orphanage. I am only six weeks along, but I can't begin to tell you how much I already love this child. I have a feeling she's a girl and if it is I think I'm going to name her Nashi, Nashi Lay or maybe Flare Heartfilia or would Dragneel sound better? I'm not positive yet. If the child is a boy his name shall be Lucas Nash Heartfilia. I got both names from a combination of or names or our deceased loved ones names. I got Flare from you though, because your a fire dragon slayer,  Flare from Fire, but a more feminine version. I happen to like both names though. I hope that one day Natsu, that we will get married, have another child maybe, and grow old together. I understand that this is highly unlikely, but know your all I have ever wanted and needed. I love you Natsu and I wish you knew all that was written in this letter by my hand, but alas you can never.

 Love Lucy Heartfilia, Dragneel your future wife   

What Nashi Though Lucy's Letter To Natsu Read:

Deer Nasty,

You won, remember this, I know that forest so I'm just groin to rite this to you'll. I will ever give you this litter, but I have no one to tell this to, and I need to relvince  this Tess. Cause I can bee tested right now it will hurt my hide. Yes I said my hill, well it's your hide too, but you won't ever now that. Well at last while the bady is in it's groin wing years. I know you would make a great Fatter, but I just can't run your life. Let's face it, you don't love me and were both still prat child tally rem. I'm 18, your 19, we're way to Yong. And if I were to tell this to you I feel that you would re jet my love for you and our groin hid, and you see I can't have that. I fuss to have an abortion or to send my chill that is growing inside of me off to some crappy or phat age. I am only six reeks along, but I can't begin to tell you how much I already love this hill. I have a feeling it's a girl and if it is I think I'm going to name her Nashi, Nashi Lay or maybe Flare Heartfelt or would Drag nil sound better? I'm not post it I've yet. If the hill is a boy his name shall be Lucas Nash Heartfelt. I got both names from a come bin at ion of or names or our Dee sea seed loved ones names. I got Flare from you through, becuss your a fire dragon slave, soft I got Flare from Fire, but a female virgin. I like broth names. I hope that one day Nasty, that we will get Mary, have another hide maybe, and grow old to  get her, but this is highly um likely. I love you Nasty and I fish you knew all that was write ten in this latter by my hand, but a ass you can sever.

Love Lucy Heartfelt, Drag nil your'lls fukre woof 

Still Nashi's POV:

"What the heck was Mommy even writing?" I asked Shai, horrified "So Daddy's name is actually Nasty and he has raven black hair and black eyes." 

I sighed as I stuffed the letter forcibly back into the orange envelope. I thought over a few ideas and then strolled back into my pink bedroom. I love the color pink, like my walls, bedroom, and hair, but not like the pink hair on that weird man from earlier. I don't like him. He's ugly and smells like BO, he looks pretty girly too. Thank goodness Mommy didn't have me with that weirdo. I smiled as a picture of Daddy entered my mind, but soon it was oddly replaced with the pinkie weirdo's ugly face. I shook my head wildly and flopped down on my pink bed and took a nap, just like mommy did. I will continue to search for Daddy! But tomorrow, not tonight, too tired again and I have school tomorrow too.    

Natsu POV:

Right as we entered the Guild I sneezed and rubbed my nose. 

"Somebodies talkin bout me, I wonder who?" I thought about it for a few short lived seconds and then limped towards the bar. I needed food and I needed it now, that was for sure. What a long and crappy day.

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