1. A Fairies Child

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^^^^^The picture above is Nashi, but ignore the exceed

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^^^^^The picture above is Nashi, but ignore the exceed. Nashi doesn't have an Exceed.^^^^^^^^

Lucy POV:

I yawned as I stretched out my limbs, my right arm hit a lump. The lump groaned and the air heated up. I cracked open my eyes to see my beautiful six year old and her white fox sleeping beside me. I smiled sadly in a sleepy way, she's so much like her father that sometimes it hurts. I shook it off and sat up slowly and stretched again and yawned, then I unwrapped Nashi's legs from mine. Shai was also cradled against my back, I smiled at the two of them and walked out of the bedroom without a sound.

I hummed to myself quietly as I cooked up some bacon and placed some waffles in the toaster. I continued to hum, even when I heard soft footsteps coming from down the hall of my bedroom and felt two cold paws on the back of my knees. 

"Morning Mom." Said a groggy Nashi. 

I smirked and flipped the bacon in the flying pan so that it wasn't burning. It smelled pretty good, if I do say so myself. I smiled and mentally fist pumped. What a stupid, Natsu-like response I shook the thought away, returning to my cooking. I heard the sound of a chair being drug across the grey stone flooring.

"Nashi, I need to go into town today. Do you want to come, we can go shopping for school, since it starts in a month." I held back a yawn. 

"YES! Thank you thank you Mom!" Nashi shouted and tackled be from behind with so much force that I thought I was going to fall over. My little dragon.

"I thought so, also I need to go enroll you in the next week, so we could also do that today, along with your yearly school vaccine." I grinned and laughed under my breath, because just like her father she's terrified of shots and transportation.  

"NNNNNNNOOOOOOO! Why Mom why!" She wailed, I just laughed and finished fixing breakfast for the four of us. 

I finished breakfast called my tiger exceed, Adaline and set hers and Shai's, Nashi's white fox. I set Nashi's plate in front of her, mine in my spot, Adaline's on the kitchen counter and Shai's on the dinning table next to Nashi's. I know pets shouldn't be aloud on your table, but my daughter's and I's pets are exceptions. At least in my eyes. My house my rules, so no one can say a thing about my rules. 

After Breakfast:

Okay I know this is going to sound unbelievable, but I inherited my fathers wealth that he had in his bank account before he passed. When Natsu and I were a bit out of it we kinda did somethings that I don't regret. I found out a few weeks later I was pregnant with Nashi, so I got into Dad's bank savings. My first idea was to buy my old mansion, the Heartfilia Konzern, but it had already been sold to some wealthy couple in their late forties to be turned in a large motel and bathhouse. I was very disappointed, but now I'm glad that I didn't buy it because I love the house that I ended up buying for Nashi and I, and of course our pets.  It's a huge two story, light grey colored house with a stone-like appearance, it even has a medium sized garage. I also bought a new car, and I proud owner of a silver four-door Honda civic. (Yes they have cars and our everyday electronics, yes its my story and I wanted to add it!) Also our house has a large silver/black steel spiked fence all around the entire property. 

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