2. Dear Lord Its Too Much

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Lucy POV:

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Lucy POV:

I parked the car in the parking lot of a high up toy store called 'F A O Schwarz.' I stretched out my upper half of my body and I heard Nashi yawn from the backseat. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of my car and opened the car door on the side Nashi was sitting on, which was the right. I unbuckled her sleepy-self and lifted her out of the car, without hitting either of our heads. 

"Mommy, are we at the toy store yet?" Asked a yawning Nashi in my arms. 

"Yep, so that means time to go buy more toys." I grinned.

 I wouldn't be able to spoil Nashi if I hadn't inherited Father's large billions, from the olden days. I sighed I'm so thankful for that, on so many levels, because I can spoil Nashi any day I feel like doing it, or spoiling our pets, or even myself when I'm not really feeling 100%. Nashi also helps alot with keeping me happy, and she doesn't even know it. I love my baby girl so much.

"Yeah let's hurry then Mommy before all the cool toys are gone!" She shouted and started jumping out of my arms. She's so much like Natsu, way at least she has alot of traits from me. She's the perfect mix of the both of us, no more than perfect, the best combination. 

Natsu's - Hair color, but lighter, making it the color of strawberries

 My - Chocolate Brown eyes

Natsu's - appetite and fanged smile, but smaller, because of her age

Oh here's a big one! 

My - Brains, thank god for that! I don't think I would be able to control Natsu's stupidity.  

Natsu's - Favorite foods :Spicy 

My - long hair, and sadly for a six year old, she already almost has boobs, like me when I was little.

Natsu's - Sense of Fashion and comfort (Cuddling me at night) 

My - Sense of fashion and favorite colors, including pink

And alot more things, but Nashi, was again snapping me out of old memories. I kinda space-out like that now. But only sometimes, and don't worry Nashi gets more than enough attention from me, so no she is not lonely. Like I remembered, she does get lonely sometimes, but not really often if I have anything to do with it!

"So Nashi what do you want to look at first? Littlest Pet Shops or Hello Kitty?" I asked, at her level again, so she felt better and not short. I always hated it when adults talked to me from their height and not mine. 

"Mommy I told you I don't like Hello Citty anymore, so Pet Shops!" She said and then she ran down to one of the little girls isles. I smirked and jogged after her, curse her dragon slayer speed. 

"Mommy I want this one and this one! Oh no I want this one!" She declared, tossing more than forty boxes of LPS, I think their called for short. I sighed, when I looked into the cart and saw a Zoomer puppy and My Little Pony figurines. Great. I sighed. I'll just have to tell her later. We may be rich, but that doesn't mean she can buy every single toy on the store shelves. 

Nashi POV:

THIS IS TOY HEAVEN! I shouted in my head, I felt like I was in some-kind of movie, because I have the best life ever. The Bestest Mommy in the whole Earthland. The bestest house. The bestest pets. The bestest EVERYTHING! Well besides the fact that I didn't have a Daddy, but Mommy was so cool that she could be the Bestest Daddy ever too!!!

YEAH! I like the sound of that. Then I went back to picking out new toys, since Mommy said I could. Yeah! New toys!!!

Natsu POV:

I stare at the bar, waiting for Mirajane to finish cooking my lunch, stuffed hot peppers. I wasn't feeling even 3% today, because seven years ago on this day Lucy went missing. No one knows where or what happened to her. We don't even know if she was kidnapped of just left. 

 I think I was hurt the worst b her disappearance. It wasn't until the Eclipse Arc that I realized that I loved her so much, and after the damned war that my brother, Zeref declared, Happy and I had planned to propose to Luce. She was gone before the war was over. The wars more than half way over now, Fairy Tail is wining but it ain't gonna be easier. I sighed as my lunch was plopped down in front of me.

"Thank Mira." I thanked the take-over mage, then I dug into my food like there was no tomorrow!

Lucy POV:

"Nashi don't you think this is maybe a little too much?" I asked my toy-crazed daughter, who was staring up at me with her Father's puppy-dog-eyes, but my eye color. I just couldn't say no, I'm a horrible Mother!

"Nashi you do know you have to sit in the back seat with all of those right?" I asked my daughter, gesturing to all the new stuffed animals and LPS.

"I know Mommy!" She nodded.

"Oh Dear Lord its all too much." I whispered and buckled Nashi and myself in. Adaline was staring at me, intently and not in a nice way either. I sighed in defeat.

"I know, I let her go overboard."

"That's an understatement." Groaned Addy. 

A nervous laugh escaped my parched lips. 

"Am I a bad Mother?"

"No you just spoil Nashi too much, you don't want her to be a complete brat when she's older." Addy said, seriously. 

"What do I do?" I asked my Exceed.

"I know your going to hate my answer, but I think you should introduce her to Fairy Tail."

"I CAN'T!" I shout, whispered, because I didn't want to wake Nashi and Shai, who were sleeping soundly in the back seat.

"I'm just telling you what I think, you don't have to, but I do want you to consider it. I think Nashi needs to know who you really are and who she really is, or even where her daddy is."

" Fine, I will take that thought into consideration, but I refuse to take her for one more year. Her third year of school I will take her." I frowned. I wasn't going to break my little girl's heart or mine, just yet. I Sighed.

"I hate you Adaline." I said.

"Maybe, but you know I'm telling the truth, with the pure magic of yours." I flung a hand over Adaline's face.

"SHH!" I shushed her.

"Oh right, sorry Lady Lucy." 

"Its okay, now get some sleep or something, I have to drive about an hour from here to sign Nashi up for second grade."

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