4. First Day And Anna

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Lucy POV:

I was washing dishes and had my iphone playing the song ' Ex's and Oh's,' when I heard a knock on the front door. I sighed and dried my soapy and wet hands on a cloth, then I walked over to the front door, where the knocking came from. I opened the door to reveal a woman with long white hair and wolf-like ears on her head, one ear twitched. 

"Hello, you are Lucy Heartfelt, right?" Asked the white wolf eared woman

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"Hello, you are Lucy Heartfelt, right?" Asked the white wolf eared woman. 

"Yes, why?" I asked back, confused to why this wolf girl knew me. 

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Anna Wolfe, your neighbor. I have been meaning to come over and welcome you, but either you weren't home, or I wasn't." She chuckled, warmly.

"Well you can come in if you want." I offered, friendly. I was kinda lonely since Nashi was at school, Shai was with Nashi, and Adaline was fast asleep up stairs in my room. So why not?

Nashi POV:

I didn't really know what to do, so I just sat by a blue haired girl and black haired boy, who was really cute.

I didn't really know what to do, so I just sat by a blue haired girl and black haired boy, who was really cute

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                                                                   (That's Raina^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

I looked down at my fingers, that kept fidgeting. Then there was a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see the blue haired girl looking at me, shyly. 

"Hi." She said and looked down, nervously blushing.

"Hi!" I said excitedly. Glad that somebody talked to me.

"My names Raina, what's yours?" She asked, meeting my chocolate eyes.

"I'm Nashi Heartfelt. Want to play!" I shouted and stood up fast and snatched a hold of her small hands.

"Yes." She smiled and we ran off to play. I was so happy. But then SHE showed up and made everything fall apart. But I won't get to that just yet, there's more happy things to talk about.


"Nashi! Nashi! I want you to meet my other friends!" Raina shouted in front of me, I followed behind her, happy to have a friend, no a best friend!

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