3. School Enrollment

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Lucy POV:

I pulled into the parking lot of 'Wolf Crest Grade school,' I slowly opened my car door and exited. Addy followed behind and Nashi, with Shai in her smalls arms also followed. Kind of a weird name, but I read in the latest issue of  'Sorcerer Weekly' that Wolf Crest is the most educational school associated with a magic or Mage program. I want Nashi to learn magic, I still don't know who's magic she inherited, but I'm hoping that it wasn't Natsu's, but we'll just have to see.  

I pulled open the large steel doors with the doorknob, that was in the shape of a wolf's growling head, the eyes were small red rubies. Nashi's eyes held stars in them, most likely excitement. I couldn't blame her, the school did look pretty promising. I smiled at her expression. The hall walls were a beautiful silvery color with golden specks throughout the plain, yet elegant pattern. The hall floors were made of a silky smooth sparkly black, and the lockers almost looked like they were marble, but probably not really. 

"May I be of assistance?" Asked a sweet voice from in front of us, I looked to where the voice had come from, to see a purple haired woman, who looked around my age, if not older. She was smiling at us. I smiled back and gestured for Addy to take Nashi and Shai to the silver fold-up chairs in front of the office, she nodded and walked over to the chairs with Nashi and Shai. 

"Yes, hopefully." I sighed, a little nervous for god knows what reason.  

"Okay, then let's get down to business." She said, smiling.

"I would like to enroll my six year old into this school if possible." I said softly.

"Okay, perfect then. I'll give you the paperwork and than I'll see if there's an opening. Sound good?"

"Yes, very. Thank you Ms...." I suddenly felt awkward, because I realized that I didn't know her name.

"Nancy Lules, or Ms. Lules, and you are?"

"Lucy, Lucy Heartfelt." I replied with my fake name, since there are still people looking for me. *Cough* *Cough* Fairy Tail.

"Okay, here you are Ms. Heartfelt. Please fill this paper packet of twenty questions out honestly and bring it back to me when your finished. 

"Great." I smiled and received the clipboard with the paper on it and went to go sit down by my family and fill it out.

Child's name: Nashi Flare Heartfelt

Birth Date Of Child: July 7th x793 (Current Date August 17th) 





Seventeen Questions Later:

Last question, I thought and sighed as I read over it.

What magic do you want your child to start training with out of these four choices: 1. Earth, 2. Air, 3. Water, or 4. Fire?

Why is the world against me? Huh. I sighed annoyed and circled Fire. I sighed again and stood up, then gave it back to Nancy. She smiled at me.

"There will be a note in your mail in the next week telling weather your child, Nashi is it?" She asked glancing down at my paper. I nodded, "Telling you if Nashi got into Wolf Crest or not. Thank you and have a wonderful day."

"Thank you." I smiled and walked back over to Nashi and the others. We then exited the school and I drove to the nearest J C Penny's. 

Four Hours Later:

After four hours of shopping with my six year old until we dropped, we headed back to our house. I tucked Nashi in on the other side of my bed, put on mine and her's PJ's and then we both drifted off into a deep somber. 

Two Weeks Later:

Nashi's POV:

"Mommy! Mommy! Open the letter I wanna know if I got in! Please hurry! Hurry!" I shouted, super excited at Mommy, who was laughing quietly at my excitement. 

"Okay! Okay it's open let's take a look, shall we?" Mommy smirked I giggled and we looked at the letter. Well I watched Mommy and listened as she read it out loud to me, since I couldn't read such big words, just yet.

"To the guardian of Nashi Heartfelt, I joyfully congratulate you, because you have been enrolled into Fiore's best school for Magic users, or Mages!" Shouted Mommy, she looked so happy!

"I got in!?" I asked, my eyes transforming into huge stars.

"YES!" Said Mommy smiling, widely. "I'M SO HAPPY MOMMY! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!" 

A Few weeks Later: The first day of school

September 3rd, x799  

Lucy POV:

"Okay Nashi remember what I told you." I said to my baby girl. She looked so beautiful today, she was wearing a pink and black checkered knee length shirt, a light pink poodle shirt, her long strawberry hair in a  braid on the back of her head, and adorable black and hot pink sketchers with their brand logo across the sides. My little girl is growing up and it hurts, so much. I hate it. 

"I know Mommy! #1. Be good, #2. Be nice, #3. Be respetul and #4 Be friendly and make good friends!" She smiled that toothy grin, that suited her oh so well. 

" Close enough. Mommy loves you so much!" I told her and stood up and kissed her small forehead. " I will be back in eight hours to pick you up okay? Be good my little dragon and I promise to buy you a spicy vanilla and Tabasco sauce Ice-Cream cone. IF your good. I love you." I said and hugged her to my large chest.

" I know Mommy, I love you too! Lots!" She smiled and hugged me back. 

Then I left, tears slipping down my cheeks. My little dragon is no younger a baby dragon, she's now a hatchling. I feel so sad. Little dragons aren't supposed to grow as fast as weeds, but here we are. 

Nashi POV:

I'm so excited for school! I'm gonna make so many new friends I just know it!!!!!!! And Mommy is letting me learn magic!!! But not just any old kind of magic, Fire Magic! My favorite! I love fire!

This is going to be so awesome!!!! I can't wait!

I looked around the classroom that Mommy walked me to, and watched all the other kids play and chase each other. I can't wait to make friends!

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