Pet Peeves

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So we all have those things that bother us... And (if you didn't know this) those are called pet peeves! Here's my shortened list of them.

1. When the person walking in front of you is walking really slow and you can't get around them. I mean seriously people!!! There are other people in this universe that aren't you!!!

2. When people try to convince you to do things that you don't wanna do. Deal with it guys!! If I don't wanna do something, then deal with it.

3. When someone talks to me (in real life... In social media I don't really mind) because they are desperate for attention. Don't be desperate... It's kind of sad 😅😅😅

4. THE ENDING OF GREASE!!! I know there's a Grease two that might fix this ending for me but I haven't seen it. I don't like the ending because the girl turns bad for the guy... AND THATS IT!! Wattpad stories had taught me that is WRONG. if the girl is gonna be bad for the guy, then the right ending is that the guy misses nice girl and she changes back to who she really is!!! *groans*

5. When I'm trying to sleep and there's a bird chirping outside my window. This is the absolute worstttttt because then all I'm focusing on is how much I need that bird to be quiet and let a girl get her sleep!

6. When people say "I won you" after winning a game. THAT ISNT PROPER GRAMMAR!! The correct way to say it is "I beat you" not "I won you"!! Saying "I won you" makes it sound like you won a girl/boyfriend!!

7. When a car is stopped at a stoplight and they are leaving two car length space in front of them. Get. Off. Your. Phone.

8. When people don't turn on their directional for driving. When I walk to school and people don't turn on their directional, there's a chance I could get hit. Here's a story... I was walking to school once and I crossed the street and this person turning honked at me. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU WERE TURNING?! DIRECTIONALS PEOPLE. DIRECTIONALS.

9. When your in a movie theater and people are talking. Seriously bro?! Have your conversation later. I also hate it when someone points out something that going to happen because they watched it before and want to show off their knowledge. When I was seeing Interstellar (stop reading here if you don't wanna be spoiled) in class one of the students was like this at the end "yea that's Murphy. I've seen this before. It's old Murphy." DUDE I HATE U. ALSO IN CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR OMG SOMEONE. (If you don't wanna be spoiled stop reading) when we were seeing Bucky Barnes kill Iron Man's parents this lady behind me was like "omg he killed his parents!" ......

This surprisingly isn't one of my pet peeves. When someone is clicking their pen. It doesn't bother me. Don't know why... But I can live with that. Humph.

What are your pet peeves? Did I miss any?

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