My school year

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Here's how my school year is going-
My science teacher thought I was dead.

My math class hates me because I shushed them because i couldn't hear what the teacher was saying when she was going over material I didn't understand (it was a sub but still)

They also hate me because  we're grading quizzes and I didn't give someone a point for something BECAUSE THEY DIDNT HAVE IT WHICH JUST CONFUZZLES ME

My "friends" stole my backpack (which had my phone in it) and I had no idea where it was

In French I accidently said my dad was 13 instead of my brother

I almost threw up in Journalism on Friday

People are always judging my personal preferences

My overall record for tennis was pretty good

I was playing singles and my coach said I'll be on varsity next year

I have all A's so far

I don't have to take history this year

For chorus we finished 2 concerts already

The only reason I'm taking Jounrlaism is because I can't take creative writing because I'm too young

Journalism sucks and the teacher is boring


One of these days I'm going to fall down the stairs

Now I don't want to seem like one of those students who take school for granted because, yes, I am thankful that I have the opportunity to go to school but I just...
Really hate math
And science

I'm random because I canWhere stories live. Discover now