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So this kind of the same problem @Akeo51 has with her name. 

I have this problem when people call me Anne because that's not my name. My name is Annie. No, it isn't short for Annabelle or one time someone said Annister. My name is Annie. Not a nickname of Anne or Ann. My name, on my birth certificate, is Annie.

People call me Anne Frank more then they mention the musical Annie and Anne isn't even my name! When people mention the musical I don't mind because its like ha ha so funny whatever but when you call me Anne Frank? No. Granted, I love Anne Frank's story and everything and she was amazing but Anne is not my name so don't call me that.

I know back then Anne was pronounced Annie but now thats around less. OH AND WHEN WE STARTED READING AN ANNE FRANK STORY IN ENGLISH CLASS PEOPLE KEPT SAYING ANNIE INSTEAD OF ANNE. OMG IT ANNOYED ME SO MUCH LIKE CAN'T YOU PEOPLE READ? (english was everybody's first language in that class so it was soooooo annoying) 

Oh! And some people call me Annie Frank! Was her name Annie and spelled the way of Annie? NOOOOOOO!

And I made the tennis team so on the website it had the list of people who made it AND THEY PUT ANNE. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! 

The tennis tryouts is another story...

So we show up and the first thing they make us do is run the mile. I was really annoyed with that but whatever. I got 8:36. It was one lap around the school.

When we finally started hitting the ball MOSTLY EVERYBODY SUCKED. What annoys me really bad is when people think that tennis is a really easy sport because all you have to do is hit the ball but its so much harder than that. Dumb dumbs. 

There are these people there that were trying to look all cool and swag AND THEN HIT THE BALL OVER THE GATE. Nope, not over the net. OVER THE GATE. BACKWARDS. SOMEONE HIT IT IN THE TRASH CAN OUTSIDE OF THE COURTS. BRUHHHHHHH. They just ruined their reputations.

So for all of you people out there who think tennis is really easy, it's not. You have to hit the ball perfectly over the net with perfect form, aim and grip. You can't go into the sport without knowing anything about it. You just can't. Especially if its tryouts for a school team. Its way harder than it looks.

Thank you everybody! Good night! *drops the microphone*

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