chapter 4

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Skyler' s p.o.v.

Woah wait?!  

I'm being adopted. 

Adopted from Zayn I mean Zayn as In famous, One Direction Zayn. 


I was interrupted from my thoughts when Kathryn slapped my face. 

"Skyler, pack your bags now, your leaving this place brat, your being adopted." She sounded a little happy and surprised when she said it.

I packed up my t-shirt, tooth brush, hairbrush and my guitar and journal. 

Once I was all packed I ran down stairs to the office Kathryn stayed in most of the time.

I had knocked on the door at least 15 times before I heard someone turn the door knob. once the door opened I was standing in front of a tall young man, Zayn. 

"Hello love, you all packed?" 

He was towering over me. he was so tall compared to me. I'm only 4'10.  

I only nodded, not being able to make words, I mean I'm being adopted by Zayn from One Direction. I know I've already said this several times. Who am I kidding y'all would be like this to if your being adopted by a famous person.

I soon found my self walking alongside with him and Perrie on my other side. They lead me to a black Suv.

Zayn sat in the driver's side Perrie in passenger and then me in the back. 

This car was amazing, it looked so cool.  

To me any car that's not worn down but looks new and has leather seats are cool. I haven't rode in a car in about a year or two.

The car ride to the hotel was silent as so was the walk to the room.  

I have to admit I thought they would be asking me questions like what my past was like or what my favorite color was. something like that.  

It was really creepy that they haven't said anything yet. Yet! I know they'll start talking to me. Probably once we were in the room.

We made it to the end of a hallway on floor three. Zayn finally stopped in front of room 210 and turned around to face me. 

"Skyler, I just want to let you know, these boys are insane at times then they can be sweet." 

I chuckled "like a sour patch kid."  

Zayn and Perrie chuckled too but shortly turned there attention back to the room. 

Zayn put the key in and unlocked the door. 

All three of us had walked into complete darkness. I was scared. I don't like the dark I never have and probably never will. But I was standing in the dark with two other people now known as my mom and dad.



* hey guys sorry it took a while to upload I've been busy with cheer and soccer and school coming up. ugh! school I don't wanna go I don't like school.

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