chapter 5

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I quickly turned around to find the light switch on the wall. I put my hands out to make sure I wouldn't run in the wall. Then I felt something hard like a wall but then I realized it wasn't. It was, Zayn!

Luckily its dark in here he wouldn't see me blushing.

"Skyler, whatcha doing there?"

"I'm trying to find the light switch." I answered. Really fast realizing what I said could mean diffrent things I mumbled "I'm terrified of the dark."

"Your what?" Perrie questioned.

"I'm afraid of the dark." I answered.

Somebody then turns on the lights.

"surprise!!!" I heard about 4 boy voices and two girl vocies. That must be the band and their girlfriends.

I jumped in fright and started crying. I'm a wimp I'll admit that.

"aw love, you ok?" Louis asked.

"we're sorry we didn't mean to scare you." I heard an Irish voice, Niall. I love niall he is my favorite one.

I nodded my head telling them I'm fine.

I was lead to the little kitchen area they had and sat down at the table.

Zayn sat on my right Perrie on my left Niall in front of me with Harry and Liam on the other sides. Louis sat next to Eleanor which she was next to Danielle who was next to Liam.

I looked across the table and saw a cake, cupcakes, ham, corn, mashed potatoes and lots of other side dishes.

All I grabbed was a roll. Im never hungry.

It was nearing to ten o'clock so I was about to head to my room but I realized, I don't know where my room was. So I ran over to Perrie and asked her she told so I went. I climbed into the bed and fell fast asleep.



*guys I'm.hungry I want ice cream no I want NUTELLA no I want them.both! lol well anyways, thanks for 90 reads that may be small to yall but big to me. haha.





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