I woke up in a nice comfy bed. Wait a comfy bed! I turned around to see what time it was on my alarm clock. But I didn't find one I just saw a lamp and a phone. Like a hotel.
I walked over to the closet to look for clothes. I found my suitcase and put on my pair of pants and my other shirt.
I walked back to the bed and laid down staring at the ceeling thinking hard.
Why am I in a hotel, what happened yesterday.
I walked down the hall and into the living room. The t.v. was on but no one was on the couch. I walked into the kitchen next and I smelled something burning. I quickly ran to the stove and turned it off before it started a fire.
It was then someone came up from behind me and snakes their hand around my waist and picked me up. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I was to terrified to say or do anything. But I did manage to kick them in the gut and make a run for it.
I ran to the closest room. Nobody was there except for a guitar. I locked the door behind me and ran into the bathroom and locked that door to.
What is going on. Who is trying to kidnap me and kill me. Maybe... no it couldn't be him he's in jail or did he break out. I hear the bedroom door slam down to the ground.
I'm a gonner. I sat in the bathtub weeping. I don't want to die. I'm too young. Suddenly the door was broke open. I gasped and covered my mouth trying not to scream.
The curtain was drapped back and there stood a man a young man in his late 20s early 30s. He had brown hair and an evil smirk upon his face. It can't be him. He's supposed to be in jail.
I screamed in horror and jolted awake. Thank goodness. I heard the door jolt open. no no no no no..... this cannt be happening. its true he is going to kill me...
cliffhanger. mwhahahaha I'm just that evil.
haha soccer game today!!! well my dads anyways. guys I just wrote all of this in 1hr. I forgot I needed to write chapter six. I've been so busy with soccer cheer and high school. gahh highschool. I hate it.
comment if you started highschool last monday or if you are starting Tuesday.
you know the drill.
and follow
instagram- hey_its_bay99 and follow my friends and i's account
Twitter- @Bayleighboyd
have fun!!

Starting from the beginning
Fanfiction*editing* my name is Skyler and this is how I became apart of the famous world.....being adopted by none other than Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards