chapter 3

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We all stood in line with the best posture we had. All these people young and old coming in and out adopting as they go.

Finally it was 3:00 and they all left. Almost everybody was adopted except for me a little eight year a five year old two boys who I never known their age and that was about it. 

I was now officially the oldest one year. 

My best friend was adopted by a young couple who looked to be in there late 20s. 

Great so now I have no friends here and I'll get bullied even more. Faye was the one who stood up for me. Everyone feared her but not me.

 I ran back up to my room knowing I was never going to be adopted. I got out my razor and began to cut.

-one- for never be adopted agian 


-three-not pretty enough 

-four-being an orphan 

-five-no friends

After I finished making fresh slits I washed up and covered it with a bandage and i put a long sleve shirt on that Faye gave me to cover up my scars.

I walked over to my desk pulled out the piece of paper last night and I was just about to play the song on my guitar and make changes to it but I was interrupted by Kathryn opening the door and revealing Zayn malik and perrie.

....zayn's p.o.v.......

*night before*

"Perrie can we talk?"

"Uh yeah sure what's on your mind. Wait! Are you breaking up with me?" She asked. Hers eyes welled up with tears.

"No no I was just wanting to know if we could go adopt a girl. I've wanted a daughter for a while but I think its the right time." I asked hoping that she says yes.

"Of course. How about since we are in Texas right now we go off to the orphanage in Dallas. And what made you want to adopt one?"

"Thanks Perrie, that sounds wonderful." I could feel a smile creep up I was so excited I was going to have a family. A daughter and the perfect girlfriend.

"Well, the lads and I were driving down to the interview and I saw this girl in her bedroom crying, and I knew that I wanted to help her I wanted to make her feel loved." I soon started to tear up. She was beautiful and so little. I couldn't think that she was an orphan. I also couldn't keep her out of my mind. 


"Lads I be back soon." I yelled to them as of they all were upstairs.

I grabbed my keys and headed out towards the car with Perrie by my side.

 After about a five minute drive we showed up at an old ratty gray worn down house. This must be it.

As soon as I reached for the handle Perrie stopped me.

"Babe, are you sure you want to do this. What if we aren't good enough parents for her."

I just gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand tightly as we walked in.

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