chapter 9

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The boys did amaZAYN (lol) they sang all of their best songs. My favorite was little things. I was screaming and shouting and jumping all around. I am now out of breath. this was my first concert ever and it was the bomb.

Eleanor seemed to like it too she was screaming so loud and so much she lost her voice. Perrie jumped so much she broke a heel on her shoe. Danielle well let's just say she was the only normal one.

We met the boys back stage in their dressing rooms and let me tell you that it stunk bad in there. I guess they worked really hard on stage. They were just pure sweat. I don't get how Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle could just run up to them and give them hugs.

As they sat and talked I was in the corner of the room looking around. I was bored out of my mind. It was like watching paint dry on a wall. So me, trying to no longer be bored I walked to the stage.

It was dark in there except for a couple of lights on stage. I found Nialls guitar and grabbed it. I walked to center stage and started playing.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me"

I had started to sing

"but bare this in mind it was meant to be, and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me." I continued singing hopeing no one heard me.

"I know you never loved the crinkles by your eyes you smile, you never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in the back at the bottom of you spine but ill love them endlessly"

I was just about to sing again but I heared a voice a soft voice signing the next part.

"and I won't let all these little things slip out of my mouth" I recognized the voice now. It was Zayn. I really should call him something diffrent. I chimed in singing agian.

"but if I'm to its you oh its you and they add up to, and I'm in love with you and all your little things"

Just before Louis solo he came in and started singing to. This time I didn't sing.

"you can't go to bed with out a cup of tea"

He started signalling for me to sing with him. So I did.

"maybe its the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that i keep."

Rhen Harry comes in him, Zayn, Louis and I sang the last part of the solo together.

"though it makes no sense to me"

Harry then began singing along with me on his part.

"I know you never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh you still have to squeeze into your jeans"

Niall came in with Liam this time all of One Direction sang. I sang still strumming the notes on the guitar.

"but you perfect to me and I wont let these little things slip out of my mouth."

Eleanour, Perrie, and Danielle came in and stood next to their boyfriends and everybody joined in a circle singing and swaying all hand in hand.

"but if its true its you oh its you and they add up to. and I'm in love with you and all your little things"

This time I wasn't going to give in. Just Niall needed to sing this part. I've always loved this part of this song. I stopped singing as did the others.

"you'll never love yourself as half much as I love you and you'll never treat yourself right darling but i want you to. if I let you know I'm here for you maybe you'll love youself like I love you oh"

Niall finished his part with a girn. Looking at me and gave me a wink. I'm may or may not of flushed pale white then turned bright red.

We all started to sing again with harry.

"and I won't let all these little things slip out of my mouth but if its true its you oh its you and they add up to. and I'm in love with you and all your little things"

Its now the ending of the song. And this was a perfect moment. it was like we were camping but indoors and huddled around a camp fire. Except there wasn't because we were indoors. And just signing and having fun not haveing a care in the world.

"I won't let all these little things slip out of my mouth"

I didn't realize it but I was singing by myslef with the boys and the girls around me with smile plastered on their faces.

"but if its true its you oh its you and they add up to. and I'm in love with you and all your little things"

I strummed the last few chords and set the wooden stringed instrument down.

I began to cry. atears were dripping down my face. They were tears filled with sadness and happiness.

This moment reminded me of the last camping trip I had with my family. We were in San Antonio. We went to go to Natural Bridge Caverns and went fishing ,swimming, water sking. And best of all hung out as a family huddled around the camp fire trying to stay warm from the summer night coldness.

My brother and I were making smores while my mum and dad were singing and making jokes.

That was the last birthday party I had with my family and the last camping trip.

arhat was the best day I ever had.

"Skyler" Eleanor squealed "That was amazing"

"You have a gift!" Perrie remarked.

"I didn't know you could play gutair." Danielle had said with an expression on her face I couldn't read but I think she was surprised.

"Maybe even better then Niall." Louis chimed in.


"Ouch!" Louis voice filled the room. With laughter after it.

I went up to Zayn and gave him a hug and cried even more. This is what I been needing for a while now. Just a hug. Not any hug but a hug from somebody that I love and that loves me back. Someone that I'm willing to consider calling family.

Zayn picked me up like it was nothing and cradled me.

"Z Z Zayn" I managed to say through tears.

"Yes love." He looked down at me and gave me a quick peck on my forhead.

" I wanna call you dad. If its okay with you."

"Skyler,  of course you can. Were family now. Your my daughter and I'm you dad. Perrie will be you mum and the boys and Eleanour, and Danielle will be your aunts and uncles."

I looked back up at him. He had tear running down his face to. This moment is our first. Father daughter moment. And I didn't want it to end.



hey ho anyho

the last part almost made me cry. it seemed perfect to put in here. I don't know did you? well todat was a good day for me. although I had to reff soccer in pouring rain. then my soccer game was canceled.  that's texas weather for ya!

well I wanna say that there is this one person that comments on all my chapters and has voted, read and inboxed me.

and that is boomer (sorry I forgot the rest of Your username.)







instagram- hey_its_bay99

Twitter-  Bayleighboyd


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